Part 22

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Shizuo's POV

      "YOU'RE GETTING MARRIED?!!" Shinra yelled out and Celty typed when Izaya showed them the ring. "You got a problem with that?" I stared at them with a gaze saying 'I will kill you'. "N-no isn't it sudden though you've only been dating a few months though as well as where are you going to find a priest?" 'What about Kadota, Erika, and everyone else?' Celty typed out. "Those guys hate Shizuo and Izaya how do you think they'll feel when they want to get married?" Shinra asked. 'I guess you're right.' "We're not going to get married right this second we're waiting to get married the day humanity ends." Izaya and I said in unison. "Oh OK." "So you got the cages ready?" Izaya asked. 'No we will need Shizuo's help.' "Alright what do you need help with?"

6 months later

      "Shizu-chan we finally did it all of humanity is either enslaved or locked up in human zoos! Except for them." I nodded and we looked right in front of us and there was Mairu and Kururi."I say we should kill them Shizu-chan they always said they'd kill me for even a glimpse at Yuuhei AKA Kasuka, Speaking of whom should we let him live?" "Why don't we put him in the zoo and kill your sisters?" "Good idea Shizu-chan! But didn't you want him dead?" "I still do so I have a plan for him." "What is it?" "I'll tell you afterword." I said and picked up a trash can. I threw it at them and mairu pulled Kururi and herself down to the ground. Izaya threw knives over an advertisement board and it came crashing down forcing the twins near us. Izaya then ran at Kururi and Mairu took the hit for her sister and dropped down to the ground dead. I then threw Kururi into a building and her organs splattered the building in red and she fell to the ground already dead. "Two down two to capture." Izaya sang out.

       "Brother why are you doing this?" Kasuka said in his monotone voice. "You were planning to kill me just be lucky I still somewhat love you." I sighed out and held my head down remembering that he was going to betray me just like mom and dad. But then Izaya wrapped his arms around me. «Не грустишь Шизу-чан, я всегда буду с тобой, и ты не плачешь снова?» ("Don't be sad Shizu-chan I'll always be with you so don't cry again alright?") "I know also why'd you say that in Russian?" I questioned him. "Because I wanted only you to understand what I said." Izaya said and kissed my temple. We then heard the horse and Celty appeared. After she got it back she still acted mostly the same but she always had her head with her and her horse remained a horse. "Thanks again Celty." Izaya nodded to her. We left her and walked towards Shinra's house as we asked him to babysit Shadence and made our way inside not even caring about the screams he made. But when we noticed Shadence our mouths dropped. She had my bartender outfit and Izaya's jacket.

                                                                   A/N:Thanks again Opal!

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                                                                   A/N:Thanks again Opal!

She noticed us and ran up to us smiling, "Do you like what Celty gave me?" She asked. "You're so cute Shadence did Celty really give that to you?" Izaya crouched down and she nodded happily. I crouched down as well. "You're really cute kid." I smiled and rubbed her head. "Also Shadence remember when we told you that we may be getting married soon?" Izaya questioned and she nodded. "Well that's tomorrow!" He said happily. Her eyes lit up. "Can I wear this please?" "I don't see why not." I looked at Izaya who nodded. "What are you guys gonna wear?" "Be a little patient and you'll find out."Izaya said mysteriously. We then took Shadence home and prepared for the big day.

3rd POV

      The wedding day arrived and they didn't see each other much as they were busy getting dressed. They had Anri take over a priest who was going to wed them. Even though all of humanity was extinct the only exceptions were, Anri will have to control some of them along with the other Saika users and of course every nation in every continent was locked up in a cage in a human zoo. They did have people at the wedding though but besides the obvious Celty, Shinra, and Shadence, there was also Kasuka and Ruri who were chained up, as well as the other monster like all the Saika users and others they had met. The wedding music began and out came Izaya with a beautiful bouquet of roses, and he wore a beautiful wedding dress with a design on it.

Shizuo was awestruck at how beautiful his bride was and he even heard fangirling in the distance from two of there guests one who was really short with a rainbow shirt that said 'Lesbian' on it and the other was really tall with red hair and drago...

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Shizuo was awestruck at how beautiful his bride was and he even heard fangirling in the distance from two of there guests one who was really short with a rainbow shirt that said 'Lesbian' on it and the other was really tall with red hair and dragon wings and a tail. (A/N: Here is a thank you for Opal drawing and creating Shadence so I added her OC which is the lesbian one as well as mine because like hell I'll miss a Shizaya wedding dammit.)  He stared at Izaya like he was the most beautiful thing in the universe which to Shizuo he was. They finally stood in front of the alter and said their vows and how they'll stay which each other till death do they part. They gave each other matching wedding rings which their birthstones on them. Izaya's was a garnet, the base was black, had hearts on the sides, and had angel wings on it.

 Izaya's was a garnet, the base was black, had hearts on the sides, and had angel wings on it

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Shizuo's was the same but instead it had an emerald.

Then Shizuo lifted the veil and they kissed all of their love for each other going into it

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Then Shizuo lifted the veil and they kissed all of their love for each other going into it. They walked outside and Izaya threw the bouquet into the air and Celty caught it making both her and Shinra blush like crazy. "You're going to have to stay with Celty and Shinra till we come back from our honeymoon alright?" Shadence nodded and hugged the two of them. They then got in a limo and they made their way to the airport to begin their honeymoon.

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