Part 11

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Izaya's POV

       I heard a knock on the door and raised an eyebrow and took out my knife. I walked over to the door blood lust already evident in my eyes. But as soon as I opened it I just frowned and put my knife away. No killing them yet. I inwardly smirked. "What are you doing here?" I questioned looking at my twin sisters. "We haven't seen you after you left during High School what have you been doing Izaya oni-san?" My sister Mairu questioned. "It's none of your concern." I said narrowing my eyes. They just squeezed through and I lowly growled. "Izaya breakfast is re-" Shizuo saw my sisters and immediately picked up a lamp. "Relax Shizu-chan they're just my sisters." I sighed annoyed. "Oh oh oh is he your boyfriend?" Mairu said sounding excited. "So, what of it?" I said and walked over and got the breakfast, Shizu-chan got his and we sat beside each other only a few inches away from each other. "Boyfriend.....look......Yuuhei." Kururi said. "Wait really?!" Mairu pulled out her phone and looked at a picture of presumably Yuuhei and then back at Shizu-chan. "You're right! Are you Yuuhei's brother?!" "Yeah why?" Shizu-chan finished eating and naturally plopped me onto his lap his arms wrapped around me.

3rd POV

"You're dating Yuuhei's brother?!" Mairu gasped as she looked at the bleach blonde who had his arms wrapped protectively over their big brother as if it was the most normal thing in the world. "What of it?" Izaya questioned. Mairu pushed Izaya off of Shizuo who landed with a thud looking up at his sisters with a sadistic grin. "You should introduce us to him we-" She was cut off by Shizuo looking at them with the most hateful they've ever seen in their lives and picked them up by their shirts and threw them out the door shutting it and running over to his lover. "You OK Izaya?" Shizuo inspected him for bruises. He found the beginnings of one on the middle of his back where he fell down and Shizuo began to kiss at it. "Shi-Shizu-chan I'm f-fine!" Izaya said having a massive blush as his lover continued to kiss at the bruise. "No you're not you're hurt." Shizuo looked him directly in the eyes. "It's just a bruise Shizu-chan it'll fade and go away." "I know but it pisses me off whenever you get hurt." Shizuo slightly blushed. 'He's a protective monster.' Izaya smiled and kissed the blonde brute. Shizuo smiled as well and they eventually had to pull away. Izaya pressed his head against the blondes. "Like I said Shizu-chan I'm fine." Izaya smiled still having a small blush and got up Shizuo getting up with him. "Ne, Shizu-chan isn't your brother visiting in a few days?" Izaya questioned as he began to wash the dishes. "Yeah we haven't seen each other in a while." Shizuo said before leaving to use the bathroom.

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