Part 10

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Izaya's POV

    'It's time.' I thought and smirked. I once more looked down at my board before sitting down and logging in to the dollars website.

3rd POV

      Mikado stared at his phone in shock. Where had the rumor  come from that the leader of the dollars was a weak person and wasn't fit to be called leader?! Kida looked at the message and his jaw went slack. "Little by little." Izaya laughed manically and spun around to his chair before walking over to his board. "This could only be done by one person." Kida said narrowing his eyes. "Who?" "Orihara Izaya." My eyes widened and I almost fell backwards. "Why is he doing this?" I questioned and gulped. "He is a manipulative psychopath god knows what's going through his brain." Kida shuddered. "Kida what's going to happen now?" "Something tells me it's going to end in bloodshed." Kida sounded serious.

Shizuo's POV

        I walked over to Izaya just as he set his board on fire and began laughing manically. 'He can be so hot sometimes. Pun intended.' I thought and walked up to him. "Izaya that's your third board this week." I said leaning toward him. Izaya leaned in as well only for me to pull away. Izaya whined and I just smirked. "That's what you get Izaya~" I purred in his ear as I walked into the kitchen to go make dinner.

Kida's POV

       I walked into the hospital room immediately seeing Saki. "Hello Kida it's been awhile." She had that permanent smile on her face. I clenched my fists. Just seeing her now makes me remember how she got into that bizarre accident. Tires squealing and the sound of bones breaking still sometimes haunted my vision until I finally remembered seeing off in the distance two figures. One with reddish brown eyes. 'So that's what you're after Orihara Izaya.'I realized after my short talk with Saki. 'Fine if it's war you want then it's war you'll get.' I though angrily.

??? POV

       "We haven't seen Izaya oni-san in awhile should we visit him?" "Of course sister." A monotone voice said.

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