One too many drinks and a few months

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Cory's POV

I set my phone down, still no sign of him.

" Cory, its been eight months, if we were going to find any traces of Jon we would have..." Ashley avoided eye contact as she spoke,

Everyone at the table seemed quieter then normal, the cafeteria in our highschool was always busy, but our table seemed separate from all of the activity around us.

" Man, that worm's really gone huh?" Tommy spoke as he put his head on the table one earphone in listening to random music on the radio

Uni glanced up from his sketchbook, adjusting his circular glasses,

" Actually, I got a strange message from ayano, you remember the girl from Japan?"

I looked obey at the blue haired boy, intrigued, " anything that can help us?"

He sighed setting his pencils and sketchbook down,

" She said that there was a new exchange student at her school, apparently he's quite poplar in Japan, but she said he was from Korea, and she over heard him talking to her friend about how he was friends with someone called Jon from America, and how he suddenly disappeared eight months ago... And, I thank he may be taking about our Jon..."

"Woah! Who is he?! Did Ayano tell you?!" I leaned over the table looking uni directly in the eyes

Nick pulled me back down as uni got up the messages on his phone.

" She said, his name was Kim Kyungmin, but she also sent a picture,"

Holding up his phone to us we all looked at a blurry picture of a tall thin boy with pale skin and black hair, he was smiling but looking away from the camera, obviously unaware of Ayano.

" Pretty average looking dude to be popular..." I was slightly confused

" Yeah! He probably rich bruh" Tommy stole Uni's phone and looked over the picture closer,

Ashley seemed to be hurriedly doing something on her own phone

Uni took his phone back and sighed, " I can ask ayano if she could get us more information"

Nick shook his head, " I dont know why you trust her so much"

" my cousin, uni-chan goes to her school, she says as long as you stay away from a yamada-kun shes pretty nice."

Nick nodded, still concerned,

Tommy sighed, " anyway, how's this worm supposed to help us?"

I hummed quietly thinking , "well if Ayano, is able to ask him about Jon then we may be a step closer..."

" AHA!" Ashley slammed her hand down startlingly us all

Tommy's POV

I flinched at Ashley outburst,

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