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This is not the truth or dare one

     We were in Michael's basement getting high off our ass (this doesn't affect anything it's just important that you know) because, for me at least, life sucks. Two reasons: one Christine broke up with me but I understand why. I couldn't feel the spark either but of course Michael will never blow off a chance to get high. And number two IM A FUCKING  BISEXUAL MESS GOING THROUGH SOME BISEXUAL DISTRESS. (Relatable.) How the hell do you tell your bestfriend that you may or may not have a crush and may have had it for a while but you're not sure. LIKE FOR REAL.
  "Jeeerrrr... are you even paying attention this is about the fifth time you've died IN A ROW." Wait really. (Wow Jeremy I thought you were good at video games oh wait I did this to you nvmd on with the story.) I looked at the screen my kill/death rate was 0/5 huh guess I was spacing out.

   -Time skip cause I'm a lazy biiitch-

     We decided to qui tr playing after 5 more rounds where my kill/death rate was now 0/10.
    "Hey dude what's wrong." Michael said lightly elbowing my side. "Is it Christine because I'm fine with pulling a cliche and getting icecream and chick-flicks." "No it's not her and also no I'm just tired." He looked as if he bought it I was a little shocked. there was a quiet pause for a moment then I went to unpause the game then out of nowhere...
     "BULLSHIT!" Michael yelled

     I screamed in response. It's true he wasn't wrong I felt sad like I needed to tell him. So I did.

     "I'm going to tell you something and you have to promise not to hate me ok?"

     "You could push me off a building and I still wouldn't hate you."

      "Yeah yeah." I took a deep breath this would take a lot of effort and lord knows I hate effort. "So about halfway through the relationship I had with Christine I realized I just didn't feel that spark anymore and I realized that every time I saw you I felt the spark I was supposed to feel with her and I realized I might like you and I totally understand if you dont like me but its like-" I was cut off by a short kiss. BY MICHAEL. ON THE LIPS. I was so happy.  I kissed back for a second before Michael broke the kiss.

     "I was scared you wouldn't let me talk without crying so that's my answer. And I'd be proud to call you my boyf, so what do ya say?


Real short story I was gonna throw in my love for strawberry ice cream but decided not too anyway peace out.

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