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Its called lines but I am lazy. I don't really think there is a ship there might be but I don't know. HAVE SOME NICE ASS DEAR EVAN HANSEN . TRIGGER WARNING:MENTIONS OF CUTTING AND SUICIDE ATTEMPTS. Stay safe babes luv ya'll


JARED'S P.O.V. (thank gabby_f2 for choosing Jared to be hurt) 

     Sometimes I get sad. A lot of the time. Okay most of the time. It's not like I choose to get sad. I don't enjoy suffering, no one does. Everyone has a method of coping. I think. I chose lines. I draw them, or make them, or just look for them. 

     There is something just, satisfying about seeing things so straight and perfect. Lines. I don't know why I like them. Why I draw them. Why I cut them into my skin. Yeah I know its bad and could kill you. I know I have a problem. I know I should get help. I know I should stop. I know everything I'm doing things I really shouldn't be. I know, I know, I know, I know. And I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.  

     I don't know why. Why I do this. I don't want to do this. I just want to be normal. Have friends. Fit in. Be liked. Be cared for. Be appreciated. 

     All of a sudden I hear a knock at my door and in walks Evan. Not gonna lie I really want him to apologize for being an ass and maybe we can hopefully be friends. Right now I just want to know why he's here.

     "What do you want?" That came out meaner than what I wanted. "I'm sorry, um why are you here?" That still sounded rude.

     "I just- I just wanted to apologize. I know I was kinda being a dick and all-"

     "Kinda? Evan, you lied, pretended to be friends with a dead kid you didn't even know. On top of all of that, you were an asshole to everyone who actually cared about you and by lying destroyed your relationship with your girlfriend. You hurt that family."

     "I know, I know. I was a huge asshole okay. I'm so sorry. And I really hope you can forgive me. And I want to be friends. Real friends."

    "Promise not to be a dick?"


     "Thank God, I really need a hug." I open my arms and we hug for a second. Which is just what I needed. I shouldn't be left alone with my thoughts, ever. "Please don't ever leave me alone with my thoughts. I suck."

     "What do you mean?" He asks. I don't know if I should tell but I guess its time. With some hesitation I slowly roll up my sleeves. At first I can't tell what he's thinking but then his look turns sympathetic as if he didn't think they were real at first. Then he pulls me into a hug. It turns out that was all I needed before I broke.

     Whilst sitting here sobbing into Evan's shoulder I realized all I needed before this whole mess started was a friend. If only I hadn't been such an ass. If possible I'm crying even more and he squeezes me tighter.

Evan's P.O.V.

     I feel terrible but, I also know how he feels: Alone, terrified, but also angry and sad. It's how I felt. Sure I don't know why he feels like this there could be a million different reasons why he feels like this. He needs to know he is not alone and that I'm here for him. 

     "Hey I'm here for you, you know. You're not alone."  I whispered. He just nodded and continued crying. 

     I wish someone was there for me when I was trying was like this. Attempting suicide and all. I just felt so alone and worthless. Suddenly I'm crying too. 

Jared's P.O.V. 

     Now that Evan are just two crying messes sitting on my bed I decided I would pull away from the hug. 

     "Thanks I needed that." I said meaning it too.

     "Yeah, me too apparently." He said with a small laugh. I smiled maybe life will get better after this. 


Yeah I guess you got some platonic sad boi Kleinsen 

peace patos

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