Valentines Day

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Kindergarten Kleinsen. 

3rd Person P.O.V.

     Evan and his mother pulled up to the doors to his kindergarten, Evan not wanting to go inside and leave his mom. This was a regular thing. Evan's dad would leave extra early for work, his mom would drive him to school, he would cry but eventually be forced to go inside. Today was supposed to be a 'special day', he heard his teacher call it. Today was Valentine's Day. 

     All the kids had made boxes for other kids to put candy in, Evan's being in the shape of an oak tree. Most of the girls had pink or red hearts, some had really cool designs too, most of the boys had robots or footballs, probably made by their dads. 

     After 5 minutes of arguing and tears, Evan said goodbye to his mom, still crying, and went to walk inside. A little boy wearing shorts, in the winter, and a red sweater, with some big dorky glasses tapped his shoulder. 

     "Are you okay? I don't like it when my dad leaves either, but your mom will come back I promise." The little boy said putting out his pinky finger trying to get a pinky promise. 

     "Why are you holding your pinky out?" Evan asked still slightly crying. 

     "Becaaaaause, I'm making a pinky promise. That means I'm not lying. Now you put your pinky out." The boy said grabbing Evan's hand and making him put out his pinky. "Now we make our fingers hug!" The little boy said with a lot of enthusiasm. Evan laughed a bit but complied. 

     "What's your name?" Evan asked the little boy.

     "My name's Jared." Jared said sticking out his hand for a handshake. This time Evan knew what he was trying to do and shook Jared's hand. "What's your name?" 


     Then the two boys walked to their classroom to start the Valentine's Day party. Everyone passed out their candy and talked to each other whilst doing so. Eventually Jared got to Evan's box. Evan had already finished passing out candy because he didn't stop and talk to anyone; he didn't want to. So he was sat at his box.

     Jared put two pieces of  candy into Evan's box. "You put two in there, you only need to put one." Evan said.

     "You can have two because I like you more." Jared said leaning over Evan's desk and giving him a quick peck on the cheek. 

     "I like you more too, here." Evan said pulling out one of his extra pieces of candy and handing it to Jared. 

     A few weeks later, the boys were in the classroom playing around. Evan didn't even fight with his mom when going into school either. 

     "Hey Evan, you know what?" Jared asked.

     "What?" Evan said turning around using his toy binoculars to look at Jared and his weird castle fort thing made out of those giant legos. 

     Jared grabbed Evan's hand and pulled him inside the weird castle fort thing and said, "We are the rulers of this castle, we are also the kings, and no one is allowed in!" 

     Evan looked at Jared and in the most concerned voice you've ever heard come out o a kindergartener's mouth Evan said, "But kings and queens have to be married to run the same castle. What are we going to do?" 

     "Well I guess we have to get married then. Come on Evan let's go find Mrs. M!" Jared said, way to excitedly dragging Evan out of their weird castle fort thing and straight to Mrs. Mcnamara's desk. When they got to Mrs. M's desk Evan, being shy, let Jared do the talking. 

     "Mrs. M, me and Evan have to get married right now!" Jared said as if the world would end. 

     "And why is that?" Mrs. M asked amused. 

     "If we don't get married we can't run our castle together because kings and queens have to be married. And I want to be king but I also want Evan to be king and so we have to get married, but I don't know how to do that. Can you make us married?" Jared asked really concerned.

     "Of course, of course. Just say I do one at a time first." Mrs. M laughed. One thing she has never done before: perform a wedding ceremony for two 5 year olds.

     After both boys said I do Mrs. M said the final part, "Now this is where most people would kiss but of course you guys don't have too."

     Evan looked at Jared and then gave him a quick peck on the lips causing both boys to giggle like crazy.

     "Thanks Mrs. M, me and my husband are going to go rule the world now." Jared said running to the weird castle for thing whilst Evan followed.

     They were 'married' until 2nd grade.

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