Pancakes pt.1

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I've never written prinxiety before.
WARNING: is a two parter bc I fell asleep.


I wake up in the morning around 7 a.m. (how the hell did ya do that) and felt freezing. I noticed my comforter was replaced with a thin blanket. I get up and start walking but trip over something right next to my bed. I always clean my room (cant relate) what could possibly be on my floor. I look down and see virgil? Why is he in here. I decided to wake him up.

"Virgil?" Doesnt even flinch "hey virgil." Still doesnt move. Think Roman process. Virgil's weaknesses:
Probably all those emo bands

I go for food "If I make pancakes will you get up?" And with that he sits straight up.

"Yeah" Omg he's so cute when he's tired. No Roman stop. Just go make some pancakes.

"So what were you doing in my room?" I asked I wasn't upset just genuinely curious.

"Oh yeah sorry honestly I couldn't fall asleep but I knew if I went to Logans room I'd get lectured about not getting enough sleep and if I went to Pattons room he'd lecture me and then take me to Logans room for a more explanatory lecture. So I figured I'd go into your room but you wouldn't wake up for anything. I would've felt bad if I poured water on you so instead I stole your comforter but it was comfy and I didn't realize how tired I was till I fell asleep."

"Ok then, sorry I am a heavy sleeper." Its a true statement a Prince needs his beauty sleep. "What type of pancakes do you like?" If I was gonna make them he better eat them food shall not go to waste.

"Umm... blueberry?" He said but it sounded more like a question. (There will be a story just like 'strawberry ice cream' but with blueberry pancakes because those are the best breakfast)

"Sure." I headed off to the kitchen and started to cook while Virgil laid down on the couch, probably to take a nap. God he's adorable. I'm just gonna stop denying the fact that I like him. "How many do you want?"

"Two, you should make some for Logan and Patton too but I'm going to take a nap while I wait. Night"

"Night" I decided it's best if I just make eight. Two pancakes each. I grab the pancake mix and the blueberries then Patton walks in.

"Are you making pancakes kiddo?"
He asks quite loudly.

"Yeah but keep it down the emo's trying to sleep." I say pointing to the now sleeping Virgil with the spatula.

"Got it." He said whispering this time. I finished the pancakes and debated on whether or not I should wake up Virgil. I end up deciding to wake him up by throwing a plastic fork at him. It worked at least.

"I'll forgive you because there is pancakes but never do that again. K?"

"Yeah, yeah all right." I fake sigh and give him his pancakes.

"Salutations." Logan said walking into the room. I gave him and Patton their plates and we all sat down at the table.

"This is new Virgil doesn't usually join us for breakfast." Logan stated.

"I woke him up because he was sleep- OW" Virgil elbowed my hip. "What was that for."

"This morning didn't happen" he whisper yelled. I just nodded in response.

What happens next idk you should find out bc I honestly have no clue ok peace out DUCKLINGS. 600

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