Pure Peace

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After threatening that I was going to shave his eyebrows off in his sleep if he didn't put me down, Tyler finally puts me down once we get to the club and the bouncer glares at him. Well more like flops me down and I have to fight so that I don't end up bum first on the concrete. Once we've let the others catch up to us, he twirls me around under his arm into the dark depths of the club. Ahead of us strobe lights flash about manically, illuminating the silver stairs that lead down to the busy dance floor.

"Car ..." I turn around to make sure she's behind us when I catch Eli's eye, he's scowling at me ... and Tyler.

Glancing down, I notice that he has his hand halfway down my back as he guides me through the club. Does Eli honestly think there's something going on? I know Tyler, and that is definitely not his intention. I'd have thought his best friend would know that too.

"We're gonna grab drinks, it's not long until the foam!" Cara insists, grabbing my hand and yanking me out of my internal shock.

I follow her and Samantha over to the bar and as she always does, manages to wedge her way right to the front, ignoring the dirty looks we get from other girls. We order an array of shots that I know I will regret in the morning and some beer for the boys. Stereotypical right? We count down and shoot them in unison, simultaneously pulling strained faces, trying to hold down the liquid as best we can. Not bad.

"Right let's take these to the boys," I shout above the booming music and grabbing the three bottles.

Turning around, my heart sinks as soon as I spot the guys and I have to grip the drinks in my hand even tighter so that I don't smash them all over the ground.

"You ok Dani?" Cara asks, immediately by my side when she senses that something's wrong.

"Nothing," I say quickly, hurrying down the stairs and knowing that I have no right to be angry at Eli talking to another girl. Even if she is stroking his chest with a smarmy look on her face.

"She's wearing way too much eyeliner anyway," Samantha mutters in my ear, glancing forward and noticing straight away what's bugging me. I respond with a grateful smile and hand the guys their beers, leaving Eli's on the table next to him and his new friend in a silent protest.

"Come on Dani-tron!" Tyler shouts over the tunes before twirling me under his arm again as he gestures everyone on to the dance floor.

I burst out laughing once he starts his own version of body popping and can't help but dance with him. As he spins me around on the floor, I catch sight of Eli again. He's since started drinking his beer which means he noticed me putting it down yet didn't even acknowledge me. Great. Instead his whole attention is focused on the gorgeous blonde in front of him, I say in front, though she might as well practically be sat on his lap.

You have no right to be angry Dani! Then why am I?

"Yes!" Jeremy shouts as we hear the DJ announce ten minutes until the foam. All the while, I'm trying to ignore what's going on in the corner.

Before I know it, just as I'm beginning to get lost in the music, I hear the booming siren warning the oncoming onslaught. Out of nowhere, the frosty white foam begins filtering onto the dance floor causing screams of exhilaration to leap randomly out of the crowds. The next thing I know, Tyler and Jeremy have grabbed Eli by the scruff of his neck and are charging towards the deepest looking foam before diving straight in.

"Dani! Over here!" Cara calls out already having filmed the whole thing on snapchat. We spin around together, smearing foam on each other's faces and in our hair as we try not to slip at the same time on the illuminated glass dance floor.

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