Familiar Feeling of Dread

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*Picture of Dani*

The first thing I notice as I'm pulled back into consciousness is how dry my mouth is. In fact, I'm almost gasping as I slowly sit up and with a defeated groan, gulp down the glass of water on my night stand.

Feeling as if my head is about to pop, I pull my bedsheet back over me to lie down and almost jump out of my skin when I see Eli fast asleep next to me. I rack through my brain and the few remaining memories from last night before remembering how I asked him to stay with me. He must have nodded off while I fell asleep too. I quickly check my phone for the time and reply to a text from my mum just as I begin to hear him stir next to me.

"You want some water?" I half laugh, offering him my water before he laps it up eagerly.


"Oh God!" I cry out, lying back down with a thud. "How embarrassing was I last night?" I ask desperately, trying to ignore our argument and my intense jealousy.

"No more than you've been in the past," he jokes, leaning on his elbow next to me and pulling the covers off my face so I can't hide my mortified expression. "Though I do think there are maybe some things we should talk about ..."

"Just to let you two lovebirds know that breakfast ... well I guess brunch is ready!" Cara's loud interruption from the corridor startles us out of a potentially awkward conversation.

"I was going to say, when it's almost noon it's no longer breakfast time!" I breathe in relief at avoiding anymore tension from last night before swinging my legs out of bed and padding to the adjoining bathroom.

My clothes from last night feel like they've been stuck to my skin as I peel them off and run the shower to a cool temperature. I stand under the heavy stream, soaking every inch of my skin and massaging my scalp as I wash my hair. By the time I'm scrubbed, towel dried and as fresh as a daisy, I feel much better. Even a little optimistic for the day ahead.

"That bad, huh?" I ask sympathetically when I re-enter my bedroom to Eli's huddled position still in bed.

"I feel like there's a very large animal sat on my head," he moans, burying his face in the pillow and feeling extremely sorry for himself.

"Aw, bless," I tease him, my lower lip protruding in exaggerated sympathy. "Unfortunately, I can't feel sorry for self-inflicted pain."

I quickly rummage through my still unpacked case, retrieving a tank top and some high waisted shorts before tying my bikini on under my towel and getting dressed.

"Dani!" I hear Cara's more distant yell, commanding that I come down now.

"I'm coming C! Just give us a second!"

I can't help but smile fondly as I see how young and unguarded Eli looks when he's half asleep. I tiptoe over to the side of the bed and bend down beside the bed in front of him.

"Eli," I sing gently, using my fingers to brush the scruffy hair away from his face. "Time to rise and shine!"

He's still and unreadable for a few moments longer before suddenly reaching up and pulling me on top of him, a huge grin plastered on his face. I shout out in shock protest as he rolls us both over so that he's on top of me and the bedsheet twists between us.

"You dick! You scared the crap out of me!" I giggle, squirming underneath his steel grip and trying to ignore the sensations that his body pressed against mine give me. "Get off me, you lump!" I protest, hitting lightly at his chest.

"Don't be so rude," he laughs right back, his eyes still bleary from sleep.

Neither of us really know what to say after that and we just kind of lay in our now awkward embrace. That is until I find myself inconspicuously gazing at his lips. No!

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