The Nightmares Continue

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I'm running down a long black corridor. The floor is sharp and rocky and I'm leaving bloody footprints in my wake as I race through the cold hallway away from the pounding feet behind me.

I can hear him hot on my tail and his strong aftershave permeates my senses, making my nostrils raw and sending a nauseating sensation through my stomach as I realise how close he is. It doesn't matter how fast I run, I just can't reach the end of the corridor.

As I push my body to its limits, working tirelessly to speed up my legs, I feel a strong hand come down on my shoulder and the walls around me begin tumbling down with a loud shriek.

"Dani! Dani, wake up! You're just dreaming!"

I bolt awake, gasping for air in a hot mess, my mouth open and my throat hoarse as I realise I was just make that screaming noise. Panting in shock, I look frantically around the room, my bearings finally going back to normal as it slowly begins to dawn on me that I was having a bad nightmare.

I feel Eli rubbing my back gently and collapse into his side in total defeat, my breathing still erratic as I slowly let go of my bad dream.

"I'm sorry," I croak, letting him envelope me in his arms and press his lips softly to the top of my head.

"Don't be silly," he soothes as he continues to hold me and just be there so comfortingly.

When I finally begin to control my breathing and let the terror of the nightmare fade away to nothing, I slowly lay back down. Luckily the AC is still on and it's not long before it's strong breeze cools my body.

"So I guess the nightmares are officially back," I groan, putting my hands over my face in dread.

"From what Cara has told me, they don't seem as bad as the night terrors have been," Eli reasons calmly, laying on his side next to me.

I nod my head in vague agreement, not really paying attention to what he's saying as I work on blocking it out of my head completely.

"You just have to breathe in and out, knowing that I'm right here next to you," he whispers tenderly, his hands tracing up and down the goosebumps on my arms and belly.

"I just thought they'd finally gone," I hear my voice crack and I press my eyes shut to stop myself from crying. "I finally felt like my wounds had healed but now he's back and everything's coming back with it!"

"He's not back and he's not going to hurt you! As for your war wounds, you wear them like armour and people can't use it to hurt you."

"Did you just quote Game of Thrones?" I find myself laugh, furrowing my brow as his words give me déjà vu.

"Well Tyrion Lannister is an absolute boss so," he defends back, a light smile dancing across his lips.

He soon leans down and those same lips brush briefly across mine before he switches off the lamp next to him and snuggles back into bed. I can't help but nuzzle into him, burying my face in his bare chest and breathing in his sweet scent. As I doze off again, I feel a little less afraid of any potential nightmares, in fact I hope they come at me so I can beat them to a pulp.


The early morning sun seeps through the blinds that protectively cover the window panes, scattering across the room like golden buttercups. Though not invasive, the sunlight pries my eyes open and I stretch out fiercely as I pull myself from sleep.

Sneaking out of bed, I gently move Eli's arm that's draped over my body and patter quietly to the bathroom. I feel a lot fresher once I've brushed my teeth and run a brush through my hair, inspecting myself I nod confidently at my tired reflection as if to say, "you can do it!".

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