Let the Games Begin

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Hey everyone! Just thought I'd give a quick update before the chapter commences. I was planning on releasing a couple of parts to the story at once however I've been really struggling with writing at the moment, part of the reason for the recent delay. I took some time off over Christmas to recharge but I've spent the last month writing and planning for you guys. I hope you enjoy the chapter and please stay tuned for more ...

The colourful tirade of the buzzing Spanish marketplace all around me sweeps into my senses and encapsulates me with every step. In every direction an overwhelming smell or amount of vibrant colours intrigues us.

After we all decided to go for a long walk along the streets of Magaluf, we'd stumbled on the travelling market. We'd stopped for some mouth watering tapas from a small street stand for an absolute steal before deciding to explore the rest of the stands.

"Thank you!" Cara trills sweetly to the merchant she'd just brutally haggled with. "I love all the hidden gems you can find in places like these," she continues happily, swinging her bag full of boho style dresses happily.

"More like steal from the poor traders," Eli teases her, winding his fingers through mine as the six of us stroll down the rolling road.

I'm distracted from my eye rolling at their childish antics by my phone buzzing demandingly in my pocket. My curiosity piques when I see it's from an unknown number.

"Everything ok?" Eli mutters from my side amid the overwhelming noises and chattering all around us.

"Yeah ..." I reply unsurely, hurriedly accepting the call and pressing it tightly to my face.

It's as if I feel my throat totally close up with panic when the monotone, pre recorded message recites from the other end. The dreaded message that indicates that an inmate at an extremely familiar prison wants to speak to me. I don't realise that I've just suddenly halted in the middle of the street until Eli turns to me and clutches my shoulder as if to stop me keeling over in shock. I'm pretty sure all the colour has also been drained from my face.

I'm stunned into complete silence, lost in my own head as I hover in the street with the message replaying into my ear because I could barely find the words to answer it. I signal up at Eli to let him know I'll catch up with them and turn into a quieter side street.

With one last deep breath I murmur an almost inaudible acceptance and wait as I'm connected through to the prison.

"Greetings Danielle! Or should I say Hola? How's sunny Magaluf?"


If I'd regained any of my bearings, they're immediately lost again when I hear his voice. From the edge of my senses, light footsteps resonate behind me belonging to a concerned Eli as we dip off the market street.

"Alex ..." I mutter breathlessly, feeling as if his voice his sending flames through my brain.

"I thought it was about time for a catch up sweetheart, don't you think?"

"Funnily enough, I don't," I almost spit out as my eyes narrow into venomous slits. "What the hell makes you think you can call me?"

"Well you didn't have to answer, Dani darling," he replies tauntingly.

"And what? Have you harass me until I did?"

"Well after your little visit last year, I assumed it wouldn't be a problem," he responds wittily. "No. I just thought I'd give you a little call and a friendly reminder, tell your therapist to stop digging around into my people."

"You mean that bitch who pretended to be me at Doctor Forbish's office? You think a mildly threatening phone call from your rotten prison cell will scare us?" I scoff, not noticing how tightly I'm gripping my phone so that my knuckles are turning white.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2020 ⏰

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