1 // Intro: reader meets story

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Chapter 1

The pleasant smell of freshly brewed coffee made the small bakery's atmosphere calm. Brown and cream tones filled the walls and used furniture; it soothed the minds of people entering. Once inside, delicious cakes and biscuits enticed the potential customers to spend more than initially planned, mouths watering at the sight. Most of the time, you could hear the quiet chatter of others surrounding your table, low enough to not disturb. The heating engulfed you in a soft blanket of warmth. Usually, your 5 senses were pleased and at ease. Usually.

"Jimin, give my hat back, you brat!" Jeongguk shouted, his typically gentle voice bouncing off the decorated walls around them.

"Nu-huh, it's my hat now!" Jimin said joyously, knocking over a vacant chair in the process of running away from the hatless boy.

The two were currently the only ones in the cosy place. They were supposed to be drinking hot beverages and enjoying a peaceful conversation, but were now chasing each other around and teasing one another.

"Give it back to me, it's mine." Jeongguk whined like a child. He was facing Jimin from the other half of a table, trying to catch his friend with a pout on his lips. Jimin was moving from side to side in a successful attempt to confuse the former as to which direction he was going to run in next. He had a cheeky grin on his face, thoroughly enjoying irritating the younger boy.

"If you two don't stop this instant, I'm going to kick the two of you out." A deep voice boomed from the kitchen doorway. Their other friend and owner of the bakery, Taehyung, had come out with a cloth in his hands and an annoyed expression on his face. "You're scaring away any customers that want to buy something, and neither of you can afford to pay me whatever I lose."

The two runners hung their heads in shame and went back to their favourite table, the one closest to the counter. The baker cleaned the surface with his rag and looked disapprovingly at his friends. Once they were seated, Jeongguk eagerly snatched his hat back and placed it on his head. Jimin poked his tongue out and pulled faces at the now hatted boy. Even though it wasn't cold inside the bakery, Jeongguk wore his beanie out of habit. Seeing the boy without something on his head was difficult, he always covered his hair with some sort of accessory. It was his armour.

"What are you going to do for the rest of this gloomy Saturday?" Jimin turned in his chair so he could face both of his friends. It was a cold November day and saddened clouds didn't allow the sun to heat up the air. The bakery windows were fogged over making the outside seem like a canvas of grey splotches.

"I haven't got any bookings tonight, so whatever you want me to do." Taehyung announced. The bookings he spoke of referred to his tattoo parlour, upstairs from his bakery on the ground floor, under his home on the second.

"I already did my homework for class between last night and this morning, so nothing." Jeongguk answered. He fiddled around with his fingers and looked down, knowing exactly what was going to come out of Jimin's mouth next.

"You did your homework on a Friday night when you had all weekend to do it? You're such a goody-two-shoes!" Jimin teased, his words mean but his tone was light and playful.

"At least I'm not stupid like you." Jeongguk retorted.

"Really? Is that the best you could come up with Ggukie?" Taehyung interjected with his boxy smile. "You should've said something about how at least you'll end up earning a decent amount of money and he's gonna be poor his whole life." He continued, winking at Jimin after.

"Low blow Tae, low blow. You know that's a sensitive topic." Jimin complained, the smile on his lips contradicting his words. All three knew that was a joke and let it slide.

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