7 // motIvatIon

72 10 7

Chapter 7

Unknown Number: hey!
Yoongi Hospital Guy: Who is this?
Unknown Number: its jimin, the guy in hospital from yesterday
Yoongi Hospital Guy: Oh hey Jimin. You just woke me up. How's it going?
Cute Patient: good, getting discharged now ^-^
Cute patient: sorry for waking u up
Yoongi Hospital Guy: That's great, I hope you're well

Jimin smiled down at his phone as Taehyung cleaned up the room, making sure they were leaving nothing behind.

Cute Patient: i am, yeh. so about the tattoo artist, hes my friend and im a bit biased but i know hes really good at tattooing
Cute Patient: do you want me 2 send you his nmber?
Yoongi Hospital Guy: Sure!
Yoongi Hospital Guy: And I trust your choice of tattoo artist
Cute Patient: how can u trust my choice of tattoo artist if u bearly even know me?
Yoongi Hospital Guy: I'm gullible? idk
Yoongi Hospital Guy: But we can change the part of that phrase where you said "u bearly even know me" if you want ;)
Yoongi Hospital guy: Btw it's barely, not bearly...
Cute Patient: first off, sure? second, uwu. third, this is texting, who cares
Yoongi Hospital Guy: If you think that's uwu, just wait 'till you get to know me
Cute Patient: are you assuming i wanna get 2 know you better?
Yoongi Hospital Guy: I am, and I hope my assumptions are correct

"Ready to go?" Taehyung asked. The room they stayed in overnight was now tidy, all their belongings now in the backpack Taehyung slung over his shoulder.

"I'm ready!" Jimin chirped and walked out towards the front. The boy couldn't help but smile as they left. He was happy to be leaving, but was happier that this experience had lifted a weight off his shoulders. His friends now knew he was depressed and going through a rough patch.

As the two looked for the way to the front desk, they passed by the doctor that had looked after Jimin.

"Bye Doctor Namjoon!" Jimin said enthusiastically and waved. The doctor turned around and smiled to Jimin, wishing him good luck with his mental health.

Jimin signed some papers and the two friends left. The car ride back was loud. Taehyung had turned the music on to full volume and both of them sang the lyrics at the top of their lungs. Once Jimin got in his bedroom he flopped down onto the chair next to his desk and checked his phone for messages.

Tomorrow, Jimin had to go back to work. In his time spent in the hospital, his boss Peter had told him not to worry and to rest well before going back to the kitchens. Jimin, however, couldn't afford to miss work. He needed to earn the money to pay for his rent and necessities, and to also give the remainder to his parents. He also felt bad for the other cooks that had to cover for him.

"Hey Peter, sir. Is anyone available to cover my evening shift yet?" Jimin asked into his phone, spinning in circles on his swivel chair.

"Not yet Jimmy, why?" His boss asked.

"I'm free to come in. I'll do it." Jimin explained.

"Are you sure? I don't want you to overwork yourself after coming out of the hospital..."

"Don't worry, sir, I can do it!"

After the phone call ended, Jimin packed his bag for his four-hour shift. 

He was motivated.

The suicide attempt was, in Jimin's opinion, a wake-up call. He decided it was something to push him to do better. He had talked to his friends about the whole situation and knew they were going to be there to support him. The doctor had given him a few options to help with depression, be it psychological assistance or medical. Either way, it was help.

He received a text from Taehyung explaining that he and the weird boy Yoongi had arranged a date for Taehyung to do a tattoo. Jimin then spoke to Yoongi and they had decided that Jimin would join, just for the fun of it.

Jimin had no idea what this Yoongi guy was like, but he was intrigued. Something about Yoongi drew him in. He was charismatic, that was for sure. Jimin was scared that maybe he'd fall for this boy, in a more than friendly way. But Jimin was down for it.

At six o'clock he started working and he was doing better than usual. All the dishes he prepared were perfect, and they were done rapidly. His boss congratulated him and even his co-workers noticed how well he was doing.

The question was, how long was this new-found motivation going to last? How long before the depression seeped through and took over Jimin's life again?


The fanart at the beginning of the chapter is by @neko_nanmary on Instagram. Their art style is so cool and I'm amazed by how dope all of their artwork is. Their Deviantart is @Nanmary, support them thanks. I can't get over how nice the picture at the beginning is.

Short chapter because I hate you <3

I like turtles.

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