8 // Not loNg

83 7 18

Chapter 8

Four days.

Jimin's motivation lasted four days. 

Friday evening and Jimin was walking home from work. He had woken up this morning feeling exactly the same as before his suicide attempt. He didn't feel like getting out of bed. He didn't feel like eating. He didn't feel like working. He didn't feel like... anything.

It was now about seven o'clock and was dark outside. Today Jimin had an 8-hour shift and his legs ached from standing up for so long. The night sky was plain, stars hidden from eyesight due to the light pollution of the city. A low fog stilled on the air around, making it so far away things had the same fate as the stars in the sky, concealed.

The white street lights were combating the fog to help Jimin reach home in one piece. It was a nice area of the city where they had energy saving lightbulbs in the lamps, unlike Jimin's neighbourhood which had orange ones that consumed way too much power. Since the sun had set, there was a breeze that sent shivers from Jimin's neck down to his toes. He regretted not picking up a scarf this morning. The boy's shoulders were slouched as he moved, a solemn look on his face.

Whilst Jimin waited to cross the street he curled his toes in his shoes. He only owned thin pairs of socks that did nothing to fend off the cold, and his dirty, white, off-brand converse allowed the air to freeze his feet.

Breathing out through his mouth, a puff of condensation clouded Jimin's vision. In a bit, Jimin would have to walk outside again to go to Taehyung's place. The weird boy Yoongi had arranged to get his tattoo done tonight and invited Jimin along. 

Jimin was hoping that maybe he'd gained a new friend, that Yoongi wanted to become buddies with him and that's why he'd been invited. Yoongi seemed to be a cool person. Over text, he was fairly cocky and when he'd first met him, he was very fun. Jimin strived to be someone like Yoongi, confident and blithesome. Maybe he could learn a thing or two from this stranger.

The street now had an orange hue to it, therefore Jimin knew he was nearing his house. Once the apartment complex was in view, Jimin made a dash for the door to relieve himself from the cold. Inside his bedroom, he rummaged through his 'top half clothes' container. His room was too small for a wardrobe or drawers, so Jimin had to settle with three storage boxes under his bed. One was for the top half section of his body, one for the bottom half and a smaller one for underwear.

Skinny jeans or sweatpants? Jimin couldn't decide on what to wear. He wanted to look good for Yoongi even though he didn't realise that. He thought he was just dressing up for the sake of it, but subconsciously he wanted to impress this new person in his life. He decided on ripped black skinny jeans, a mauve t-shirt and his jean jacket he wore for special occasions since it was a bit pricier than most of his clothes, though it was still relatively cheap. He finished it all off with a dark grey beanie and slipped on his off-brand converse. 

The reflection that looked back at him in the bathroom mirror wasn't the Jimin he recognised. This Jimin had dark circles decorating his under eyes. The lack of sleep decreased the amount of oxygen that reached his eyes, which caused blood vessels in them to dilate and appear red, bloodshot eyes. His beanie-covered hair was messy and not well kept. His skin was still as smooth as ever but had some little hairs that had been left, shaving seeming like too big of an effort. These four days of motivation didn't do much.

He set out on his twenty-minute walk to Taehyung's. He had earphones plugged into his phone and listened to his happy playlist in hopes of cheering up. The volume was low so he could hear on-coming traffic. By the time he reached his destination, he felt somewhat happier. Only somewhat, though.

Reassurance  ||  yoonmin (On Hold)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ