5 // geu soneul nAemireojwo sAve me sAve me

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Chapter 5

"Please pick up. Please pick up. Please pick up." Jimin mumbled in his state of fear.

The sound of the phone against his ear was tortuous. He didn't want to hear this sound, he wanted to hear his friend answering the phone.

It may have been the fact that it was too early for Taehyung to be awake, or the fact he was angry at his friend. Either way, he hadn't picked up the two calls Jimin had left so far.

"What do you want Jimin? It's too early for this." Taehyung's annoyed voice said through the receiver. Relief filled Jimin upon hearing the other.

"Please help me. I can't breathe. I need- I shouldn't of- Please help." Jimin sobbed through the mic on his phone.

"Jimin, calm down, you're not making any sense." Taehyung said, trying his best not to panic.

Jimin was on his bed, on top of his messed-up sheets. The grey of the clouds outside matched his covers. His hair was flying everywhere. He had dark circles under his eyes, so dark they made his delicate skin even paler in contrast.

"I'm going to die. I don't want to die. Help me. I can't do this. Please, I can't take it." Jimin said between deep breaths. "I can't- I can't breathe. Help me, please"

"Jimin, can you calm down for me please?" Taehyung asked slowly. "Tell me where you are."

"I'm- I'm at home. In my-" Breathe "I'm in my-my bedroom. I need help. I took-" Breathe "I took too much of the- I had too many- I don't want to die. Save me, please. I didn't want to, I just did. Please help me." Jimin's voice was strained. He sounded so desperate for help it was painful to hear.

"I'm on my way, don't leave your house. I'll be there in ten minutes. Just try not to hyperventilate." Taehyung hung up, leaving Jimin alone to try to calm himself down.

Nails dug into the skin on Jimin's biceps, scratching violently up and down. It caused red streaks to cover his arms, his short nails strong enough to leave damage behind.

Breathing in and out at a steady pace, Jimin tried to not think about anything, only about concentrating on his lungs. He could feel his lungs get filled with air, and once they reached their full capacity, he would contract them so nothing was left inside.

The pitter patter sound of raindrops on the window created an acoustic distraction. The thin glass allowed cold to pass through into the warm room, the contrast producing a fine layer of condensation to cloud the window. The slight draught coming from under the door made the curtains sway gently and brush the glass lightly, taking some of the condensation with them.

Faint shouts, down the hall, could be heard after a loud thud of a door opening. Then, Jimin's door swung open and slammed against the wall. Thin yet warm arms wrapped around his frame and pulled him close.

"Don't cry please." Taehyung's deep voice said into Jimin's hair. 

Jimin hadn't realised how cold his body had been until he felt the other's body warmth. He also didn't know he was shivering so much.

"Help me, please. I need help. Help me. I'm dying." Jimin sobbed into Taehyung's chest. "I'm so sorry, help. I don't want to die."

"What's wrong, Jimin? I can't help you if I don't know what's going on." The panic behind Taehyung's voice could be heard, but he tried his best to hide it under a calm aura.

"I to-took too many-" Jimin paused to breathe, feeling ashamed of his actions. "I took too many paracetamols. I overdosed, Tae..." He said softly, guilt running through his veins.

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