4 // rEady to End it

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Chapter 4

"Jimin, I need you to finish the last dish before you leave." The head chef of the kitchen called over.

"Yes, Chef!" Jimin said back and got to sorting out the raw vegetables he needed. 

He was ready for the day to end, his second shift today was too tiring since he only got four hours of sleep. As much as he loved cooking, he appreciated sleep more. Jimin had been working in this restaurant two years now and he grew fed up of seeing the same kitchen every day. It was fairly big, most days containing 6-7 different cooks.

Turning the gas on, Jimin put oil in the frying pan. His black hair was out of his eyes and he was dressed in chef's whites. His face was slightly damp from being in the hot cooking area, and he kept wiping the sweat off his upper lip and forehead with the sleeve of his kitchen wear. 

The room was a mixture of white and silver. The metallic surfaces, to most people's surprise, were spotless. Cooks needed their workspace to be neat and tidy, also hygienic. The kitchen porter, a young girl still in high school, did an amazing job in maintaining the place clean.

Jimin plated the cooked food and set it to the front for the waiter to take away. The boy sighed heavily and headed to the backroom.

"Good work today Jimin!" A co-worker told him as he walked past. Jimin mumbled a quick thanks in return.

"Jimin, you've been slacking these past few months and today was your worst performing day so far." The head chef asserted as soon as Jimin reached the backroom. He started taking off his white work clothes that were stained by many different colours, each coming together to form a painting of ingredients. "You weren't hired to do a bad job, boy. If you don't pull yourself together, young man, I can't assure your place here."

"I know Chef, I'm sorry Chef." Jimin said apologetically. "I've been having a bad time recently, I won't do it again sir." The head chef's face softened momentarily but went stern seconds after. 'You're so useless, idiot. Hopefully, you'll get fired.'

"I don't want to hear excuses, I only want to see results. Understood?" The man in his late forties said, his dark brown eyes piercing into Jimin's. His balding head made it so his forehead didn't have an end, and the grey hairs around the side of his head looked like they needed cutting.

Jimin agreed and proceeded to gather his personal belongings. Once he was done, he turned back around to his boss and said goodbye. As his arm brushed the man, Jimin felt him tug on his hand.

"Now you're out of your work clothes, let me talk to you as a friend." The man started. "I don't know what you've got going on in your life Jimmy, but try not to let it affect your work." 

Jimin smiled at the nickname his boss had given him when he first came here.

"I know Peter, I'm sorry." Jimin mumbled lowly, his head hung low in disappointment. His boss rubbed his arms in an attempt to show affection.

"You're amazing at what you do, kid. I'm here supporting you, no matter what. I trust you can get through whatever's bothering you." The father-like figure said and went back towards the kitchen. Jimin was left with a frown on his face. He left to go home, walking back in the rain.

The big mahogany front door was unlocked, allowing Jimin to enter the small apartment he shared with three. He dragged his sore feet through it and took his coat off. He shook his head a little to get rid of the droplets littering his hair. The flat was a bit warmer than yesterday, but it still wasn't a comforting temperature you could relax in. Jimin would have to wear fluffy pyjamas to not shiver all night, not that he was going to wear them. He had to suffer physically to make up for the emotional pain. 'You're a piece of shit.' 

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