2 // le Misunderstanding

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Chapter 2

"The film hasn't started yet, why are you crying?" Jimin asked his best friend.

"I'm not crying, you're crying!" Taehyung said, wiping his tears away with the back of his hand.

"No, I'm not crying, you're crying!" Jimin countered, reaching his hand to the popcorn on Jeongguk's lap.

The three were seated on the large brown sofa in the middle of Taehyung's living room. It was dark, the only source of light coming from the television screen in front of them. Their surroundings were either slightly lit up from the TV or not visible at all. They were sharing a giant fluffy cream coloured blanket, their arms and head the only parts peeking out.

"No... I'm not crying, you're crying!" Taehyung continued the argument. He took a tissue off the table beside him and blew his nose.

Jeongguk was scrolling through Netflix with wide doe eyes, oblivious to the two idiots beside him. His pale hand was holding the remote in front of him.

"No, but seriously, why are you crying?" Jimin asked, perplexed at the blond boy to his left.

"I'm not crying, though, you're crying." 

"I'm not crying! You are!"

"No I'm not, you are!"

"No, I'm definitely not crying, you are."

"Okay... I saw a video of a cute baby on Instagram, but he was sad and it made me cry. What happened in the video-" Taehyung took a deep breath. "He was crawling around on the floor trying to look for his parents and he couldn't find them and he looked so scared because like his parents were missing and shit but then a fluffy big golden dog came and nuzzled into him and cuddled the crying baby and then the baby started to calm down but he still looked so frightened because he couldn't find his parents and after a while the baby fell asleep in the dog's fluff but he still had tears on his cheeks and there was sad music playing in the background the whole time." Taehyung fired out quickly, stopping to catch his breath. "Did the baby ever find his parents? Why was he all alone?" He whaled out, tears falling down his cheeks. "Why?!" He shouted.

"Idiot..." Jimin mumbled and turned to Jeongguk on his right, completely ignoring his other friend. "What film are you looking for?"

"I was looking for a tragedy, but, judging by Tae's sobs, I should pick a happy movie instead." Jeongguk didn't move his large eyes from the screen, not caring his friend was having a crisis on the other side of the couch.

Jimin just sat back and watched Jeongguk scroll through numerous films. His mind wandered to what had happened earlier at his house. 'You're disgusting. They'd be so much better off without you. They could make new friends that actually met up with them and had fun. They wouldn't be stuck with such a shitty person like you.'

He turned to his left where Taehyung was looking at videos on his phone, a small smile on his tear-stained face. He looked to his right where Jeongguk was reading the synopsis of films, the comedy movie he was currently reading made a smile dance on his lips. 'They can be happy without you. Look how easy that it is, as soon as you shut up they smile.'

"I'm going to the toilet real quick, give me a second before you start the film." Jimin said, trying to get out the blanket but pulling it off his two friends as he did so. They groaned in annoyance at being exposed to the cold air. Jimin mumbled a quick apology and jogged to the bathroom.

Once inside, he locked the door and slid down the wall next to it. 

'You're such an inconvenience to them. They're forced to spend the night with you and don't want you to be here. Just leave, go home. You're stupid if you think they enjoy being around you. All you do is feel bad about yourself and cry over it. Useless' He cried to himself. His knees covered his face and his bum was on the freezing cold tiles. His back also felt the cold surface behind him and it all added to the pain in his heart. He pulled at his hair and closed his eyes tightly.

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