You who I loved

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Sam was having a nightmare.
At least, he was sure that's what it was. He didn't know what else to call it.
The end of the world? . . . No. No, that wasn't it. At least that's what he was trying to convince himself.
It all seemed so surreal. The terrified screaming. The giant, transparent grey dome spread out over the whole neighborhood. The unnatural twilight it cast, despite it being mid-day.
He could see the sun through the dome, it was like looking through sunglasses made for a giant.

Fresh chaos erupted several blocks from his house. The screaming became more numerous and urgent as the sound of an explosion echoed down the streets.
Even so, Sam didn't move from where he was standing on the front porch of his house.

By now the amount of people running through the streets had lessened. Most likely because everyone was at the border of the alien enclosure, desperately trying to find some way out. Subconsciously he knew he should be with them, his dad and sister most likely were. But he ignored it. He couldn't move even if he wanted to.

It was growing darker. The sun now looked like a small, perfect circle through the dome.
Out of the corner of his eye, Sam saw someone running towards him, but he was so fixated on the sky he didn't bother to look to see who it was. 

Suddenly she was there in front of him, shouting and shaking him by his shoulders, jarring him out of his stupor. 

With the force of a tsunami reality came crashing down on him, making him light headed. The words the girl was shouting reached him.

"Sam! Sam listen to me! We have to go, you can't stay here!"

Her voice was choked and her face so full of pure terror, he felt his knees start to buckle and his throat constricted.
That's right, this was Erin. His weird, strong, best friend. How could he have not recognized her right away.
Unable to speak he simply nodded. And, grabbing his hand, Erin ran.
Sam forced his legs to move, and Erin towed him along, the panic that was long overdue rapidly welled up within him, threatening to overflow and turn his mind into a senseless, petrified mess.

He hadn't even noticed the mayhem quickly approaching them from behind. But as soon as he heard the voice, so full of rage and fury, even if he couldn't understand what it said, his blood ran cold and his legs turned to jelly, making him stumble.
Despite this Erin hauled him along, her grip on his hand like steel.

Out of nowhere, they suddenly crashed headlong into a wall, knocking them both to the ground.
Sam looked up to see a barrier the same color as the dome overhead. His heart dropped as he realized it covered them, exactly like the one covering the neighborhood.

Erin was on her feet instantly, whirling around and looking for a way out.
She began repeatedly slamming her fists into the transparent surface, shouting "No. No. No! NO!"

Sam heard a noise behind him and turned around to see a tall figure walking towards them. Every one of his hairs stood on end and his heart jumped up into his throat as he realized this person was definitely not human.
At first glance this creature was very dark, it's hair black and it's skin a dark grey. It had a sharp face and pointed ears, reminding him of a dark fantasy elf. Only in a evil, alien way.
What frightened him the most was the strange black vapor that came of the things body; and it's eyes, entirely black and lifeless.

He tried to warn Erin, who was still beating on the dome walls, but he couldn't force the words from his mouth. All he could do was grab her arm.
She spun around and froze, her face the picture of an animal caught in the headlights of a speeding truck.

The creature reached the miniature enclosure and smiled at her, not pleasantly, but in a horribly triumphant way. It raised his arm, and snapped it's fingers once. Then everything turned a blinding white.

««««««« »»»»»»»

All of Sam's senses were consumed by the piercing ringing in his head. He couldn't see, couldn't feel, couldn't hear anything but the noise. It continued growing louder and louder until he was sure he'd go insane.
All of a sudden it died down to a dull ring, leaving a metallic taste in his mouth and his head throbbing.

Sam tried opening his eyes and looking around but was met with nothing but burning white, sending pain ricocheting through his head. Squeezing his eyes shut, he focused on reducing the agony.

Hearing something move beside him made him forget about the throbbing pain and his eyes shot open to see what it was.
He forced them to stay open against the light even though his brain felt like it was melting in burning acid. He hadn't forgotten the fear he'd felt earlier.

After his eyes eventually adjusted to the light, Sam realized the thing next to him was Erin. She was holding her head and struggling to stand.
Looking around, he saw that they seemed to be in a large, white enclosure. And, although at first every part of this place looked to be pure white, he saw a swirling combination of icy blue and tiny strands of gold so small and faint his eyes could be tricking him.

A noticeable chill swept through the area and in the corner of Sam's vision the strange creature appeared, seemingly out of nowhere.
This time Erin noticed it right away. She stood still, watching the dark being as it stared her down with dead eyes.
Slowly it began walking towards her, and she tensed up, reaching to her side for the pocket knife she always carried. The creature stopped, and all of a sudden the being seemed alive, and an overwhelming and conflicting amount of rage and pain evident in its expression.

"L-lazern?" Eren hesitantly called out.
The creature laughed sharply, shattering the overbearing silence of the strange place. "Lazern is no longer in charge of this body."

Note: I'm not gonna bother wrapping these stories up in any sort of conclusion anymore. These are now just for me to get the ideas out of my head, it's not like anyone actually reads these so it doesn't matter either way haha. 

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