The Lion of the North

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The beast roared and slammed its front paws into the ground, scattering sand into the dry air. Its beady, bloodshot eyes darted between the two spear-wielding humans encircling it, before it lunged at the one to its right. The man rolled under its swiping claws and, with a shout plunged his spear into the beasts side, the air laden with the resounding cheer from the watching crowd. Screeching with pain and fury, the beast reared back and brought down a massive paw on the man, crushing him into the sand. The other human launched himself onto the back of the beast and grabbed the coarse feathers on the back of its neck, pulling it off his companion.
The beast whipped its large head around, snapping at its unwelcome rider with a razor sharp beak. When this didn't work, the beast ran full tilt and flung itself at the high walls encircling the pit. The wall shuddered, cries of fear and delight echoing from above. Letting go an instant before the beast connected with the wall, the man hit the ground hard. The beast was on him in an instant, swiping at him with deadly claws and sending him rolling several feet, mixing blood with sand. The beast shrieked triumphantly, and lunged in for the kill, the mans face a mask of terror. The cheer from the onlookers swelled into a frenzied roar.

Within the thick walls of the arena the shouts from the stands were reduced to muffled thunder. It was a welcome feature for anyone seeking a break from the chaotic energy of the crowd. This however, was not the case for everyone. In a semi-dark passageway that lead to one of the many arena entrance gates, there paced a short but strongly built woman with a wild mane of dirty blond hair.
It was obvious she was restless, and anyone who knew her less would even say she was nervous. And they would be wrong.
Even through the walls, the woman knew by its unique howls what kind of monster prowled unchallenged in that arena. And she was excited.

Her march was interrupted by an elder man striding toward her. He stopped before her and paused to catch his breath.

He spoke as almost one would to a child, bending over slightly to bring himself at eye level with the woman.
"Alright listen, you have to kill it today. Understand?"

The woman frowned, avoiding eye contact.
The man sighed heavily, "Lion, my wife and I cannot keep housing you if you won't do as the administrator wishes. He told me he is rather irritated and will drastically cut your pay if you continue refusing to kill the beasts. And we both know you have nowhere else to go, you don't even have a name outside this Colosseum!"

Lion still didn't meet his gaze, but she pursed her lips and a worried line appeared on her forehead. After another moment of silence, the man opens his mouth to speak, but the blast from a horn is heard through the walls.

The man straightens himself and huffed, "Seems like you're ready. Please take my words into consideration, I would hate to have to turn you away from my home."

He gave her an exasperated but concerned look before hurrying off. Lion watched him leave, her own expression troubled. At the second blast from the horn she shook her head, painting her face into a determined smile. She spun on her heels, walking briskly down the passageway towards the entrance. Pulling her untamed hair back into a messy ponytail, and snatching her shortsword, she stood in front of the closed gateway.

The third and final blast from the horn sounded and the massive wall covering the rusty gate began rolling upwards. Dirt showering down as the ancient gears worked to clear the path. Adrenaline rising with the cheers of the crowd, Lion stepped forward and pushed open the gates, striding out into the blinding sun. The noise grew to a crescendo, crazed shouts intermixing with the thunderous beat from dozens of drums reverberating around the circular pit. On the opposite end of the arena, the beast turned from its last victims, beckoned by the swell of the crowd. It spotted her and reared up on its hind legs, letting out an enraged shriek. The gate clanged shut behind her and a familiar thrill ran through Lion. She couldn't help the wild grin that spread across her face. Whatever anyone said about her outside these walls no longer mattered, this was her battleground now, and the infamous Lion of the North would not be told what to do here.

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