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Price negotiations were going well. The old woman with the drooping eyelid seemed satisfied with lowering the numbers she presented her two guests with. Five more minutes and it was settled. A small bottle with strange pink pills were exchanged with a wad of cash and two young adults excitedly inspected them, eager to see what affect on their brains this new drug would have.
The woman stared at the younger of the pair, a girl in her early twenties sporting short, bright purple hair and several facial piercings, as her companion inspected the bottle of pills.

"Odd little pet." She commented dryly, as a squirrel the same vivid shade of purple as her owners hair scrambled up to perch on the young woman's shoulder.

The girl glared at her, daring her to say more. The older woman's flaccid eyelid twitched before she looked away, not bothering to start anything.
Her other visitor mumbled to himself as he read the small print on the bottle, he was two heads taller than his friend and in his thirties, with stringy brown hair reaching just past his shoulders.
"R.O.U.S. What does that even mean?" he muttered.

The girl sighed impatiently, "Who cares bout the fine print, lets just take it an go."
She turned to their supplier and smiled, "Pleasure doin' business with ya."

The sound of a bird tweeting halted their exit and the man checked his phone. He cursed loudly and turned to the two women behind him, "We've been busted! Eva says cops're close."

The older woman sprung into action, grabbing a dufflebag and swiping several bottles and zip-lock bags off the table into it. In his panic to find a backdoor, the man tripped and crashed into his companion, sending them both sprawling on the floor. The cap of their newly acquired pill bottle popped off under the impact of the mans face, and the pink pills scattered. The older woman hobbled off to another room, presumably towards the backdoor, as both people began frantically grabbing the spilled merchandise. Inspired by the excitement, the young woman's squirrel hopped down and began scooping pills into its mouth.

"Sparkles!" The girl shouted, snatching her pet away from the floor and holding the half filled bottle in her other hand.

The man glared at her, blood dripping from his busted nose. "Forget the rat and help me!"

His friend opened her mouth to retort, but was cut off by a tiny burp from the squirrel. It looked at her for a moment before beginning to grow. Yelping, the girl dropped it and scrambled backwards. The purple squirrel grew two, three, then four times its original size. It stood on its hind legs in front of the two bewildered people, cleared its throat, and in a very high-pitched voice, said "Excuse me but I am not a rat."

Horror grew on the woman's face as realization dawned on the man's. 
"Oooh," he breathed, "rodents of unusual size!"

The young woman screeched and dashed out of the room in the direction their dealer took. The squirrel, now the size of a small dog, walked after her. "Where are you going?" He called, "I want those pills!"

Now alone of the floor, the man picked up a single pill and chuckled somewhat hysterically, "Haven't even downed a single one and I'm already seeing things."

The police had him in custody in a matter of minutes. But they could find neither his companion or their dealer.

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