Chapter 2

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I need a dam snack after writing this chapter.

Percy's POV

I was walking up the steps of Goode High School when I saw her...

She was dam gorgeous. She must've been new because I'm sure I would've noticed her.

"Who's that?" I asked as I nodded towards the girl.

"Oh, that's Annabeth Chase, she moved from California during winter break." answered Leo.

That explained her skin, it looked as smooth as the ocean on a calm day, it went perfectly with her light gray eyes that twinkled making me think she always had a plan for everything. I could hear my friends whispering behind me but I didn't want to peel my eyes off her. I probably look like a total freak staring at her this long, oh well.

"Um, hello!" said Leo as he waved a hand in front of my face. "Life happening around you, geez people these days" he muttered the last part to himself.

"Anyway, the girls Calypso hangs out with are friends with her." continued Leo, "they used to hangout a lot before Annabeth moved to California about 3 years ago, right before high school."

"Speaking of Calypso, don't think we haven't seen the looks you give her." said Jason nudging Leo, encouraging him to say more. Anxiety flashed in Leo's eyes so quickly I thought it was an illusion. Frank, bless his soul, discretely changed the subject by directing our attention to a poster that was on the glass door as you entered Goode. It was for this year's musical, Cinderella, loads of people wanted to try out including Jason and Frank for some reason. I don't get why they would want to sing in front of other people about a girl from the country you met a couple hours ago. Don't get me wrong I'm a sucker for a goode romance every now and then but it's called a 'fairy tale' for a reason, it's not reality. (Or is it Percy?😏)

Anyway every year Goode put on a musical directed by the one and only Mr. Phoebus. Last year it was a nightmare, it had been a production of a musical called "Bye Bye Birdie" lets just say it was very interesting to see Leo sing about how great he is. If you've never seen it, trust me, you're not missing much. Basically this guy, Conrad aka. Leo, is going to the army and since he's a really popular singer (all da ladies luv him), drama happens and then some. Everybody lives happily ever after, besides Conrad. Who, like most antagonists, ends up all alone.

I had worked as a part of the tech crew, they are the behind the scenes of the musical. I controlled the curtains. I got to watch the entire musical while I was the sole person moving curtains and set pieces so the actors would have the right set pieces while the actors were singing their songs, which if I was being honest, they lasted for way longer than they needed to.

Honestly does a song in a musical need to last 5 minutes long? It just takes too much time, I got stuff to do, like go to a 3 day swim meet. 

Oh I see your point, you have your stuff, I have mine. Get off my case! *hair flip after being Perssasy* Oh, my subconscious decided to butt in.

Anyway, stupid ADHD.

BLUE COOKIES!!! They are the best thing this world has to offer besides seeing my mom, what can I say I'm a momma's boy. My mom is amazing unlike Smelly Gabe, glad he got put in jail after what he did to me and my mom, but mostly my mom. Man I just love blue food. Ahh ADHD!!

My mind came back to reality just in time for me to run into the door. Wow, thanks brain you couldn't have warned me or anything, just too much work?!

"Yo Percy, snap out of it dude!" Jason exclaimed while he was snapping his fingers in front of my face, "were you so mesmerized with that girl that you were falling for her? Quite literally too."

"Shut up Sparky."

"I shock myself ONE time and you call me 'sparky' for the rest of my life"

"Don't get your hopes up Grace."

"Get out of here Jackson, go to homeroom before you're late, AGAIN."

"Aww but I want to be GRACEd by your presence some more!" At that remark Leo, who had been watching the whole thing, starts rolling on the floor laughing, backpack and everything.

"GRACEd! That's a good one Percy. We should do this more often

"Watch out Leo, you're next." I say to him chuckling and walking into the school instead of into the door, again.

Hey hope you liked it! I know the chapters might be a little short but this is my first fanfic so bear with me!


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