Chapter 8

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Reading the picture is definitely worth your time.

"Ughh." I groaned. I was in my math class totally bored out of my mind. My math class was really boring and I always finished the work pretty quickly because my dyslexia wasn't affected by numbers.

My math class was with Frank and Grover which was totally awesome since ADHD was a thing so i would good off all class not caring if I got in trouble with the teacher. 

"I guess you don't really give a dam about this class huh?" Grover muttered.

"Yeah, when is this dam class going to be over?" I replied.

"And where are my dam snacks." Grover snickered

"Where is the dam bathroom?" 

"Where is the dam homework?..." Frank ventured hesitantly, not really understanding the dam joke.

"Frank!" I gasped, "you have evolved and reached the next level, before you know it you'll be half as sassy as The Persassius Jackson." placing a hand on my chest and looking very proud of my friend.

The bell soon rang and I moved onto my next class which I, much to my relief, had with Grover. It was Environmental Studies. I swear I think Grover has taken every since class about the earth and nature he possibly can. It's like an... no, it is an obsession, but that's who Grover is so I couldn't care less.

As Grover continued to ramble on about the greatness of nature I plopped down in my seat. Unfortunately I didn't sit next to Grover, probably because Ms. Tellus saw how much trouble I caused and suck me with actually hard working people. Lucky for me one of those people was the one and only.... Piper. I only knew this because Jason had pointed her out at the auditions for the musical. She was supposed to be a really good singer.

It didn't matter to be because it wouldn't change the fact ADHD would soon take over and I wouldn't listen, much to Ms. Tellus' dismay.

The bell rang and it must've been a new record because I almost immediately tuned out my teacher's voice. The thing that really surprised me was that Piper also seemed to be fidgeting a lot. I wouldn't have pegged her for an ADHD kid. She noticed me watching and gave me a nod showing me that she understood all the stuff I had to go through.

The rest of the day I didn't really pay attention to anything. It wasn't that I didn't want to pay attention, I was just baffled that a girl like Piper who was known to be a smart kid at school had ADHD.

The next time I zoned into the world I was already halfway through Latin with Mr. Brunner. Being the one teacher who expected good things from me I tried to listen carefully to listen to all the words he said. I did pretty good see as I by the question I answered correctly minutes before the beautiful, beautiful bell rang to end the school day.

I rushed to the music hallway more specifically the choir door because today was the day the cast list came. There was already a crowd there as I got closer. I pushed a shoved a little bit to get to the front and what I saw really baffled me.


Cast for Cinderella the Musical:

King: Jason Grace
Prince: Percy Jackson
Chancellor Sebastian: Frank Zhang
Lord Pinkerton: Leo Valdez

Cinderella: Piper McLean
Fairy Godmother: Annabeth Chase
Madame Tremaine: Calypso Orsini
Anastasia: Hazel Levesque
Drizella: Drew Tanaka

Ensemble: Luke Castellan, Will Solace, Mitchell Kahale, Silena Beauregard, Charles Bekendorf,  Reyna Ramírez-Arellano, Clarisse La Rue, Elizabeth Acnos, Joshua Hunter (etc.)


I couldn't do anything but stand there in shock. I was actually going to be in the musical, I had to tell Estelle she would be absolutely ecstatic! Jason was there peeking over my shoulder.

"Hey! Nice job bro! You might've gotten Prince but we all know the charming one is the King." Jason stated, once again puffing out his chest to appear kingly. I laughed.

"Thanks bro. You weren't too shabby to get King anyway I have swim practice but I'll see you tomorrow for rehearsal." Patting him on the back I retreating to the pool, smiling the whole way.

I changed into my swimsuit and walked onto the pool deck still pumped and surprised by the new I had received only 10 minutes ago. I guess Annabeth was right. I was pretty special.

That thought gave me extra strength swimming and if you weren't looking close enough you would've thought there was a dolphin in the pool. 

"Hey Jackson!" That voice pulled me from my thoughts as I finished the day's last length.


"Congrats! I heard you got the lead in Cinderella." It was my teammate Tyson I considered him my brother since we had been swimming together since the beginning of high school. He was also my closest friend on the swim team.

"Thanks man, but you know tomorrow morning will have to be my last practice because rehearsals start tomorrow afternoon."

"Duh, we can't have Prince Charming skipping rehearsals. It's been great swimming with you man." He pulled me in for a hug and I accepted.

"Hey! You sound like I'm dying, I'm only singing and acting a little bit not taking an oath never to swim again." I laughed and patted him on the back. "I'll see you tomorrow Tyson."

"See ya Percy."

Drying myself off I changed and walked off to my car smiling at all the good memories I had made with my swim teammates. I was a little sad to stop swimming but remembered I could hang out with my other friends a lot more and maybe make some new ones too.

All the way home I played upbeat pop music to match the way I felt. I parked and ran up the stairs two at a time. Unlocking the door I found my mom.

"Mom! I'm in the musical!" I exclaimed. Sally could only gape at her son.


Wow a chapter less than a month after the last one, that has to be a new record. As always tell me if I made any grammatical mistakes etc.

Quick question: What is your opinion on Percy x Piper?

Also who else is on the brink of insanity because quarantine is making me do some weird things.

1054 words


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