Chapter 7

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Here's a lion a drew, his name is now Leo.

"Hello? Earth to Percy?" Jason prodded.

"Huh, what? What's up Jason." I replied.

"You've been zoning out all day, what's up with you man?"

"Nothing, I'm fine." To that remark he just look at me with the most 'I don't believe you' face I've ever seen.

"Okay so you know the new girl right, Annabeth, well she told me that Mr. Pheobus told her that I got a part in the musical but he doesn't know which one."

"That's awesome man!" Frank exclaimed, joining the conversation.

"Are you sure there isn't anything else you want to tell us about." Jason said suggestively, raising one eyebrow.

"Well, she's kinda nerdy but in a cute way and she keeps looking at my drawings all the time."

"Wait, you draw?! I need to see these!" Leo butted in sticking out a hand for some type of drawing to admire and critique. Reluctantly I pulled out the horse I had started recently, I hadn't really gotten the time to finish it but I would eventually.

"Whoa! These are so cool, Fishbrain" Leo complimented and I smirked at my nickname. I had gotten it during one of our my trips to the beach when I had been caught admiring the few fish that graced one of the beaches of Montauk.

"Thanks." My face heating up, embarrassed by the compliment. "Anyways, back to what I was saying earlier, is the cast list up I'm kinda curious about it. Not for me me of course *sweats* I just wanted to know if you guys got the parts you wanted to."

"Suuurreee, Percy. You sure that's the actual reason?" Jason pressed.

"Yeah man, why else would I ask?" I subconsciously scratched the back of my head.

"Well Mr. Pheobus said it would be up by the end of the day but it looks like that girl Annabeth got an early peak." Jason replied.

"Good luck, I really hope it you get the parts you want." With that I stood up to dispose of my trash. "Hey guys I'm gonna go to the bathroom." I grabbed my backpack, relieved to be out of that conversation. Don't get me wrong, I loved my friends just sometimes he needed a little alone time.

The bell rang soon after I escaped to the bathroom. I calmly walk to my next class, not really paying attention to what I was doing but at the same time remembering everything that was happening. Man, I just love ADHD. Before I knew it I was in my drawing class. My teacher Ms. Callio was a really a great teacher. Most of the time they got all the freedom possible to draw whatever they wanted. At the moment I wanted to finish the horse I was drawing, I was using charcoal to draw it which was a little bit of a challenge but challenges were fun.

The rest of the day passed in a blur as he tried to finish most of his homework in study hall and Latin also passed without much incident. As he made his way to swim practice he remembered the cast list that he had been kind of worried and excited about. I not only wanted my friends to get good roles but maybe me to get one too because then I could brag to Annabeth about getting in the musical.

Wait, what?! Was he actually thinking things like these. What had happened to the guy who only hung out with his one group of friends, didn't really care about girls and swam like a dolphin.

I'd been so distracted that I missed the door handle to the locker room and ran right into the door. Grimacing and rubbing my face I actually grabbed the door handle, a little embarrassed by his antics. He really hoped that no one had seen him.

Unbeknownst to Percy there indeed had been someone watching him. A soon to be very special someone who giggled a little bit, she quickly stopped herself and ran off to her own after-school activities.

Practice passed without much incident although I could feel my coach's eyes glaring at me the whole time. I guess this is what I get for accidentally skipping a little bit of practice yesterday. Even though the water was so refreshing I was still exhausted from all the days activity. Seeing as I had done all of my home during study hall I calmly went home and crashed on my bed taking a quick nap to end off my kind of weird day.

"Good night." I whispered to no one in particular. Or maybe I was saying it to one particular girl.

824 words

Hey guys, thanks for all the comments it's really nice to read them, hope you enjoy!

What is your favorite ship in PJO?

I personally love solangelo and percabeth, I think they're so cute!!


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