Chapter 3

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It will always be Percy's POV unless I say otherwise

I walked into my homeroom to see the great Paul Blowfish, sorry I mean 'Mr. Blofis' (Blowfish). I sit down in my seat at the very back of the class. I'm not gonna pay attention to what he's saying, I can't read the board anyway so why bother, most of the time I just draw my mom and what I think my dad should look like. I had just finished one before winter break it looked something like a majestic woman underneath a man holding a trident. I tried to incorporate some of my features into my imaginary dad. I'd have to show this my mom when I got home.

Just before the bell rang the new girl burst into the classroom, Annabeth that was her name. Her cunning gray eyes scanned the room and landed at the empty desk next to me, the desk I used to put my backpack on. I grudgingly moved it so she could sit there and I started drawing my dream animal. It was a charcoal black Pegasus with black eyes rearing up, surrounded by water on what looked like a beach. I had decided to name him Blackjack after a stuffed animal I had had when I was little.

More importantly, I could see Annabeth looking at me out of the corner of my eye with those gorgeous gray eyes hers. It looked like she was staring at my swimmer body but as soon as I noticed this her gaze shifted to my notebook but not without a little blush appearing on her cheeks. A small gasp escaped her mouth as she saw the beginnings of Blackjack's head and snout. I smirked at her response.

Most people didn't know that I painted almost all of the props in the musicals we had here at Goode. Not even the goddess that is my mother knows that I draw, I also do some singing although I'm really shy about it, whenever someone walks into the room and I'm singing I have to stop, I'm just so scared of what people will think of me swimming. I can't be good at swimming and also singing that's just preposterous, oooo that's big word, my mom will me SO proud of me! 

Anyway back to reality, ADHD can be so annoying sometimes when you see a butterfly, omigosh they are soo pretty with are their color, you see what I mean.
Like I said before, back to reality, Annabeth was still staring at Blackjack and he mouth was wide open, at that point 'Mr. Blofis' decided to join the party.

"Ms. Chase, what did I just say?"

"One of Shakespeare's many plays, Hamlet" she replied with ease

"And what about Hamlet?" countered Paul

"Umm, I don't know."

"Well then, I suggest paying more attention to class instead of Mr. Jackson."

After that comment turned away to hide a blush creeping onto her cheeks but I still saw it and I must admit there was a little bit of blush on my cheeks too. The rest of class passed without much incident. I wouldn't know what Mr. Blofis was talking about but it's not like I cared anyway.

The bell rang for the end of class and I skedaddled out of there, I already see enough of Paul at home.
The day went by in kind of  a blur I saw some of my friends in the hallway and Annabeth too although I didn't have any classes with again.

There were only a few minutes left to the school day and I was sitting in Latin with my teacher Mr. Brunner, it was the only class I really liked because for some reason my dyslexia didn't bother me at all and Mr. Brunner always had interesting stories about Greek and Roman mythology to tell so we wouldn't fall asleep in his class. 
As I was saying school was alm--


--there we go. Dismissing us from the legal torture that is school. I packed my things into my backpack and left to enjoy some peace and quiet before school again tomorrow.

I was feeling nice so I didn't put a cliffhanger, just wait until the next chapter.
^w^ yay I'm so excited for the next chap and you should be too.


722 words

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