Chapter 10

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I had spent all of last night preparing for this moment and I was pretty terrified but I was totally not going to tell anyone that. Well after I woke up that is because apparently I had fallen asleep on the couch with Estelle.

This moment would be a defining point in my career. In case you're all confused this morning I have rehearsal for the play because we only have so much time allotted to us before the day of the performance. 

Sure I've looked over my lines and have a little but memorized but, it still gives me the same butterflies in my stomach I get before the gun goes off to start a race. Walking into our apartment's small kitchen I saw the jar of cookies my wonderful mom had apparently made last while I was napping on the couch with my adorable little sister.

Stuffing a few into my mouth before my mom could stop me I double checked my bag to make sure I had all my things. I know, unusual of me to be do diligent with my things considering all the pens and other small items I'd lost in the past. When I finally finished chewing the cookies of the gods I greeting my mother good morning with quick hug and Paul with a friendly wave. Estelle was probably still asleep considering it was only 7:26.

Shhh...oot it was already 7:26 I needed to leave by 7:30 if I wanted to get to rehearsal on time, considering my was already twisting with butterflies it only sent them into more of a tizzy. I said a quick goodbye to my parents (well step-parent for Paul) and rushed downstairs to my car to get to school.

The drive to school was very peaceful because it set my butterflies free from their cage. My car was always a great, relaxing place most likely because it was very blue and reminded me of the great big ocean. Considering I was totally zoned out it was a miracle I didn't crash anyone before arriving at the destination known as school.

I quickly arrived at the music room to see a lot of the cast had already shown up. I took a seat right next to Jason, Leo and Frank my best friends who also happened to be in the musical this year.

"Hey bros what's up." I greeted.

"Excuse me I'm gonna have to stop you right there because you need to bow to your king." said Leo as he prevented me from sitting down in the chair.

"Ah yes, of course," I bent down elaborately in front of Jason "Your Majesty."

"Was that dam bow really necessary Leo?" asked Frank. I could only stand in shock as I felt pride coursing through me because Frank finally understood the dam jokes. I finally came to my senses and sat down but I didn't think that my day could get any better. 

Boy, how wrong I was.


Sighing I sat down. We had just finished running though the first 3 songs of the play as well as their little acting parts. So far everything was going splendid. Piper was actually a fantastic singer as well a beautiful actress so there would was no doubt that she had been the perfect choice for Cinderella.

I know I shouldn't say that before I've seen any of the other girls do a full number but I really couldn't imagine anyone else playing her part. Then my mind pulled me back to a memory from when I was still swimming. It had been the day I heard that magical voice coming from the choir room. I wonder if that girl was in the play, and if so what part she had. Maybe there was one person that could've played Cinderella. I went through a mental list of girls in the cast although none of them quite fit the magical girl's voice.

~Man, I was so stupid back then, I totally just didn't think about Annabeth even though it was so obvious. I mean even her voice sounds like a melody even when shes not singing. Also in case you're wondering this is future Percy speaking on behalf of myself because I am a stupid idiot.~

The thought was shoved to the back of my mind when our break ended and we had to start the next few songs we would do before breaking for lunch.

I didn't pay particular attention to the first few because I wasn't in them though I made sure to look like I was attentive or else I'm sure Mr. Phoebus would read me a poem AND a haiku about not being a good cast member, and nobody ever wanted to be on the receiving end of those. 

Eventually the time came for me to sing. It was a song called, well I couldn't be bothered to remember the name but I do know I sang with the whole cast on stage. I didn't have a huge part in the song but I was still essential. So, I squared my shoulders took a deep breath and waited for my queue in the music to start singing.

The song was over before I remember it even starting. I plopped down next to Jason in the little area the bros had occupied. "Hey bro."

"Bro, what's up." replied my bro Jason.

"Do you know what's for lunch?" I asked Jason.

"It's gonna be pizza." Frank, the all-knowing answered for him. Everyone but Frank froze. "Did you say pizza?" Leo said looking wide-eyed at Frank.

"Yeah, it's just pizza."

"Dude, nothing is ever 'just pizza.'"

"Well," I said "at least we know lunch is going to be interesting." adding a wink at the end. The thing Frank didn't know about pizza was th-

Actually I'd seem like less of a psychopath if you saw it in person instead of me explaining to you.

Hey guys! I am so sorry for taking so long to post a chapter, I don't want to make excuses so I hope you enjoy. As always please comment if there are any spelling/grammar mistakes. Also the song that Percy was singing is called "The Prince Is Giving a Ball/Now Is The Time."

Who is your favorite pjo/hoo character? 

I love... actually there are so many good characters that I feel like I'm doing the series an injustice by picking just one. (Oh my I'm realizing all my mistakes, grammatically, sorry I usually don't proofread my chapters before I publish them, whoops)


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2020 ⏰

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