Chapter 5

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I stood, petrified, in front of Mr. Phoebus. I wasn't used to singing in front of other people, I only really sung in the shower. I wonder, does my mom ever hear me, or Estelle?! Ah, no! I can't think about this, positive reinforcement, I can DO this! "Whenever you're ready Mr. Jackson" Mr. Phoebus calls out.

The piano started playing the intro to one of the songs, the default song if no song had been prepared. Wait, I don't know this song. Ummm, let's see if I can ask for a change. "Excuse me, Mr. Phoebus, can I sing a different song, I didn't know we had to prepare a piece for the audition."

"Um, that's a little nontraditional but sure, what song?"

"Do you know Come Fly With Me?"

You know that feeling when you do something but you can't remember anything, you black out but your body is doing something. Well if you can imagine, that's exactly what happened. I hope Jason and the guys are still there so they can tell me what happened. Well stupid me wasn't paying attention when Jason called out my name for the umpteenth time "Perseus Jackson!" 

"Huh, what's up, did I run into the door again?" I respond, finally. 

"No dude, you absolutely killed. I was totally expecting you to sound like Pretty Boy here when he sings." says Leo

"Hey! What's wrong with my singing?!" Jason says, looking mocking a hurt look.

"Oh, no one told you?" Leo teases. Lightly punching Jason in the shoulder. 

"Alright guys, I really need to leave and no one is going to make me audition for any other weird things that are happening because I have homework," I declare "see you tomorrow." Waving goodbye and making the final trek to my car.

As I climb into the familiar seat my old beat up blue Toyota I sigh and relaxing into the worn seats. I start the car and drive the few blocks home. Parking the car, I climb up the stairs, exhausted from the day's activities. I open the door to the apartment and greet my mom, sister and Paul before plopping down on my bed for a quick nap.

"Percy! Percy! Percy!" Estelle babbles into my ear. "Dinnertime, dinnertime, dinnertime!"

"Alright Elle, I'm up you don't have to scream in my ear. I'll be there in a minute." I groggily reply, slowly picking myself off my bed and walking to the kitchen, eyes barely open. Apparently I had been asleep for a while because my mom just laughed at my hair when I walked in.

"Hey mom, Paul" I greet.

"Have a nice nap?" My mom chuckles, "Your hair is all over the place, let me fix it." She reaches over to try to fix my rat's nest of a mane but gives up quickly.

"Okay, can we eat now or are we going to spend all of dinner trying to fix my hair?" I sass, barely waking up.

"Yeah, lets eat!" Estelle chirps. We dig in and let me say that my mom is hands down, the best cook I've ever known. We finish dinner quickly and I excuse myself to finish my ever terrifying workload of homework.

Math isn't too bad because numbers aren't affected by dyslexia so I finish it quickly. English never really gives homework, it's Blended Senior Rhetoric, no one cares about it, also the teacher is my step-dad so added bonus. Latin is easy and I'm not taking a social studies class this year because I don't have to. I guess I should see what other homework I have.

Math-ws (done)
Environmental Science- Lab Report
Lunch- ;))
Drawing 3-free drawing
Study Hall-nothing
Latin-in the book (done)

All I really needed to do then was work on a lab report that wasn't even due tomorrow and draw, which was something I did anyway. I wasn't expecting much homework anyway, we just got back from break so it should be a few days before things get crazy.

I checked the clock and saw that it was getting close to 11pm. I should probably go to bed soon if I wanted to actually to be awake in the morning. I took a quick shower, annoying my mom, who was trying to sleep, and went to at a reasonable hour for a high schooler. 

The next morning I woke up tired as usually, I was so happy that we didn't have morning practice on the second day back. I'd have to get to bed early tonight though. I got dressed with the the first stuff I grabbed off the floor, doing a sniff test of course, and walked to our kitchen to eat and leave for school.

"Percyyy!!!" Shouted an energetic Estelle. "I'm walking with Sammy today!"

"That's great Elle, I know you haven't seen her in a while." I replied, used to her bubbly personality. "Hey mom, I got to go but I'll seen you at dinner, have a good day!"

With that final goodbye I walked to my trusty car and drove to school, not ready for what the day would bring.

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