Chapter 6

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I walked into school same as every morning since freshman year. Greeting my friends as I passed them in the hallway. I plopped into my seat in the back of my step-dad's classroom. I pulled out my sketchbook and started drawing how I feel when it rains. Which is, to put it simply, the best feeling in the world. Just being drenched but water but being so happy that it doesn't even matter.

Looking up I saw that Annabeth was here, once again looking at me drawing. Ours eyes locked, she quickly looked away, a look of guilt on face and was that, a little blush? Well she better not watch me draw anymore, I don't really like that people watch me, it always feels like I'm being judged.

I think that's the whole reason I don't like singing in front of people society today is so judgmental that a lot of people, including me sometimes, wear different masks around different people to fit in and not be judged. Ahh, ADHD why do you have to go to so philosophical sometimes. Back to our regularly scheduled program.

As I continued to draw the world fell away so the only thing happening in my life was on the page in front of me. The bell quickly changed that as it rang to start the seemingly endless hours in the school day. With my concentration broken I couldn't go back to my drawing so instead I tried paying attention to what Mr. Blofis(h) had to say about the importance of a well structured essay for college applications.

That didn't last for long. It's not like it was a very hard class, every once in a while I write an essay about some random topic to convince someone of something on a random topic because that's what rhetoric is. What fun. I was just staring off into space when I saw Annabeth staring at me again. This time I wasn't drawing so I couldn't imagine what she must've been looking at. "You really don't know, do you?" she asked, drawing me out of my silence.

"Know what?" I responded.

"About the musical!" She said sounding exasperated, "You got a part in it but Mr. Pheobus won't tell me which one but I know it's a good one."

"Oh, cool."

"You don't even sound remotely thrilled about this, how?! You're just some random kid who showed up to auditions and sang on the spot. I'm so jealous I wish I could sing as well as I could when I was younger, oh well, you gotta work with what you got."

"I'm sure you're a good singer, I hope you get a good part though." I said, smiling at her.

"Thanks, I need it," she giggled. "Now get to work because we have an essay that's due next week."

"Then I guess I have an essay to write next week." I sassed.

She smiled and turned to face her computer, once again back to work. I smiled too, feeling something in my stomach that I had never quite felt before. It made my body feel warm and gooey like a soft serve ice cream cone on a warm summer day. I realized I was still staring so I quickly turned away before anyone could notice. All I knew was that I wanted more of the same feeling.

The bell rang drawing my out of my stupor. Packing my things I walked to my next, careful not to bump into Annabeth while getting up. That would be embarrassing, or would it be straight out of a movie and the girl would fall in love with the guy they would be happy together then get married and everything would be happy ever after. Thinking about it made my stomach do some twisty-turnies that were totally uncalled for so I slapped my stomach to make them stop. They obviously didn't but it did make me look like a weirdo to everyone walking through the hallway. Well being weird is good and also it's senior year, and all high schoolers are weird to some extent.

I plopped down in my usual seat in math ready for the day to be over even though it had only just begun. I zoned out as soon as the teacher started talking and when I came back down to Earth I saw it was 5th period and I was walking to my lunch table. Funny how your body can go on autopilot after doing the same things over and over again.

I proceeded through the rest of the day like a zombie in a daze, contemplating the words Annabeth had said that morning. I guess I would have to see what role Mr. Pheobus thought I was good for.

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