Chapter 11

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Clem's POV
"Clem... Clem wake up" I opened my eyes and saw Gabe.
"What's going on?" I asked him
"We're leaving" I wanted to kiss him so bad.
"Okay" I sat up and grabbed my bag.
"How'd you sleep?" Gabe asked me.
"I slept pretty good," I told him.
"That's nice"
I smiled at him. Everyone was outside waiting for us. Javi noticed us. "You guys ready?" He asked us "yeah, we're ready," I told him. Gabe and the others looked at the boarding school one last time before walking through the gate.
Gabe stayed in the back with me.
"Are you going to forgive the others?" I asked him.
"I'm not sure," he said.
"Well no matter what you choose, I'm still with you," I told him
"Thanks, clem" I went to reach for Gabe's hand but stopped halfway. "Do you think Aj will be happy to see me?" Gabe asked.
"He really missed you, Gabe," i say to him
"I really missed him too," he says with a smile.
"This is going to suck"
"What is?" He asked.
"Walking all the way to Alexandria" I explained to him.
"We may just head to Columbus for a car"
"Why Columbus?" I asked him curiously
"Well my mom has a settlement there"
I looked at him in shock. "You found your mom!?"
Gabe laughed "Yeah I did,"
"What's her community like?"I asked him
"Well they're at some sort of university"
"That's pretty big, " 
"It was,"
"Do you think she'll let us have a vehicle?"
"I'm not sure but I'm hoping"
"Yeah me too"

Days passed and we finally arrived in Columbus. "This place is huge!" I said in astonishment. We walked through the front gate
And was greeted by who I assume was Gabe's mom. "You're back," she said giving Gabe a hug. "Yeah we are, but mom we need you're help" "what do you need?"
"We need a car"
Why? Did you crash it? Are you hurt?" Gabe's mother asked worriedly as she checked him.
"I'm fine mom," Gabe said trying to calm her down. "Okay Okay, I'll stop,"
"Thank you"
"How many?"
"Um... enough for 12," he told her.
"Well luckily for you we found a bus recently so It should hold all of you,"
"Good," he said.
"The keys should be inside of the bus"
"Ok thanks mom," he said to her.
"Anytime Mijo" she gave Gabe a hug before walking towards the building. "Alright, you guys ready?" Javi asked all of us. "Yeah we're all ready," Louis told him. "ok then, let's get moving"
Everyone boarded on the bus and I sat in the back with Gabe. "It feels weird sitting here," Gabe said
"I know, I haven't been on one since before"
"You ever wondered what it'll be like if this never happened?" He asked me
"I do, a lot actually"
"Yeah, me too," he says looking out the window
"But If this never happen I probably wouldn't have met any of my friends"
"I'll give you that," he said with a smile. I smiled back at him. I reached over and grabbed his hand, holding it tight. Gabe looked at me before grabbing my hand too.

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