Chapter 1: Into UA

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A simple boy with a big dream. That's what his parents saw from him now. Back then as a child, he was mocked and teased for his quirk and how it never fit his body. His family even insulted him. Unsure how to go on, he put on a mask. False positivity. This made him go on in this cruel world, and it's thanks to this mask that helped him make it to UA as well. He seems to have changed, becoming positive instead of crying.
But something lingers within that boy's mind.
Something evil.
That day has come - the entrance exam. Aoyama was excited, who wouldn't be anyways? His chance to make it to one of the biggest schools in the hero course.. UA High.
He had dreamed of it in 7th grade. He would fantasize about it nonstop. Sometimes even blabbering about it to the people he knew. Everyone thought the dream was something he could never accomplish - he couldn't even shoot his navel laser for more than a second. His quirk wouldn't be much help.
His parents thought it wasn't entirely possible too, talking about it behind his back. (Aoyama always heard - he was always very observant.)But instead, they let him try anyways.
"It's good for him to dream I suppose. There's always a chance, right?"

The fact that his parents doubted him along with others hurt of course. But as always, he never let it get him down. 'Stay positive.'

Walking over to UA was awful, he was constantly second guessing himself and debating if he should go home to retreat. But then he thought again. 'I could finally show them who I can be, success is the greatest revenge!'

That sentence in his mind kept him moving on to UA. On the way there he sees a green haired boy. Reminded him of broccoli..
He seemed a bit like a coward, panicking every time someone would walk by him. A plain, anxious boy.

He continued to walk into the UA high.
'"What is it with our son? He's a coward. A Crybaby, he's giving the family name a bad reputation."
"He's a young boy, he'll grow out of it."
"That's what you always say whenever we talk about this! None of the other kids cry like he does. And he complains about how nobody is friends with him, yet he continues to be strange."
"Aoyama will be himself. Maybe that's how he'll be."
I'm listening, you know.
"No son of mine will be like that!"
I'm sorry if I'm not good enough.
"He will change before you know it!"
"How can you even be so sure?!"
One day I'll show you.
I can be useful.
Then you'll see.'

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