Chapter 19: Resoloution

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Aoyama excitedly watches what goes on.
So much violence,
He loved it all. He barely cares that All Might wasn't there.
A part of him wanted it all to stop, but he shoved that part deep down inside him to no return.
Aizawa now was losing.
A nomu - mentioned in the text message - was getting to him. He was being crushed. He was on the brink of death.
He was smiling until he saw someone on the side of the platform Aizawa was on, peering at him.
Midoriya, Asui, and a smaller purple boy.
Aoyama's face became straight. What are they doing?
Don't they know that dangerous?
Midoriya could get hurt.

Aoyama prepared to stand up, but something shot right at him, making him practically shoot into the air in fear.
It was a simple rock.

"You!" A feminine voice yells. Only gloves hovered in front of Aoyama.
"Wh... a girl?" Aoyama says to himself. His voice is different. The costume was altered? But he took it home...
"Not just any girl!" The voice exclaims. "One you'll never forget!!"
She grabs another rock and stands in a strange position, and she shines light. "Light refraction!" She glows brightly to the point of blinding someone, but Aoyama wasn't phased. Must be the thing on the helmet or something-
She tosses a rock at Aoyama and it bonks off his head. Aggravated, he shoots a laser at her - different stance, and somehow different colors than normal.
"Woah!!" She exclaims, barely dodging.
"Begone." Aoyama growls. His voice sounds more intimidating with the voice changer.
He looks another laser and it hits her, sending her flying.
Aoyama winces at himself.
"Ooooh, maybe that was a little too hard...." he murmurs. A part of him wishes he didn't kill her.

A loud bang occurs at the entrance. Aoyama turns as it catches his attention.

All Might.

Aoyama is really into it now! The real battle begins here. This is where he wants to intervene. Hitting him at the right moment would-
A loud clunk hits his head and he's taken aback.
Pebbles begin to rain on him.
Looking up, there's nothing there. A pair of gloves and shoes are tossed at Aoyama.

Oh boy. That's a bad thing.
She's naked. She's fully invisible.

Aoyama is now alert, his attention turning to Hagakure. He pulls out his knife and goes into a battle stance. He hears footsteps and looks at the ground. Footprints.
One pair of them close in on him and he lunges at them. Attempting to stab her, he forces his arm down. Something is blocking him from following through.
Aoyama tackles the girl, and continues to try until she makes a rather.... uncomfortable sound.

Aoyama freezes.
He realizes where his other hand is, and where his leg is. It's soft.
Aoyama's face goes blank.
Oh my.

"You... evil... VILLAIN!!" Hagakure goes full hulk on him, taking him down and beating his face in - or at least attempting to.
She takes the helmet off partially, making Aoyama's heart beat fast in an instant. Kicking her off, he puts the helmet back on fully.
She realizes something. "Wait. Aoyam-"

Another loud crash occurred in the center of the USJ - All Might and Shiguraki were fighting.

This caught the attention of Hagakure especially. Aoyama shoots his laser at her, forcing her against a wall. He pins her and sets his blade at her throat.

She stutters out a few words. "That's you. Aoyama, you're under there!"
Aoyama replies, his heart beating. "I don't know who this Aoyama is. Stop talking nonsense."
"Don't play dumb with me... I know that hair. I know that smile."
"If you tell anyone that you think I'm this 'Aoyama' kid, I'll find out and I'll hurt you. Got it?" He makes his voice go deeper.
Hagakure seems to nod. Aoyama lets go of the blade.
"Get out of here. Now." He grunts and slams her gloves onto her. She dashed away, and Aoyama is mad. He missed the real fight with All Might and Shiguraki.

She saw me. He thought to himself. She's going to suspect me. That's what I should be worrying about right now-

There's a loud explosion, following with other, smaller sounds.

Aoyama, alarmed, nearly jumps five feet in the air. Aoyama hasn't been paying attention really to what's going on, so it was out of the blue.

Looking over at the battlefield, he noticed that All Might and a bird creature are fighting.
Strange. He thought. Never actually seen that thing before.

He smirks.

It's quite obvious that All Might has met his match. The villains had told him about the creature, it's nearly as strong as All Might.

I wonder if the bird will just go hard - or play fair.

He would think about her, day and night, in sorrow. He was mocked, no matter how her felt.
Anger built up inside of him as the days went by. Heck, even anger towards Koro Lei grew. He loved her, yes, but he never was able to open up to her, and she would bother him constantly at the time. If she had just left him alone...

One night, Aoyama's rage is boiling over. He walks to the picture frame his mother gave him, and holds it.
His eyes glow. He was mad. Mad at himself, mad at the school, and mad at Lei for not leaving him be. He clenched his hands as he held the frame.

"Why...." he murmurs. "Why wouldn't you stop?"

He grips harder. "I told you to stop! To stop messaging me! I... it wouldn't be this way! Why? Why?!"

His rage overflows as he gets so angry that he growls loudly and throws the frame. The frame shamed against the wall. Aoyama, still angry, weeps.

"If you weren't my friend you'd be alive." He cries angrily. "But you had to be naive."

His mother runs into the room and asks what the loud crash was. Aoyama looks at her and weeps more. His mother comforts him and he cries loudly into her shoulder.

"Whos fault is it?!"

A Dim Sparkle - BNHA Traitor Fanfiction [EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now