Chapter 2: UA's Exams

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((A/N: I'm going to be adding some made up characters to add on to drama, mk? I hope it won't be a problem, this is merely a fanfiction after all ^-^))

Once inside the High school, Aoyama instantly got a strange vibe. Something felt wrong, like something bad would happen. He didn't like it, but he didn't show it on his face. The school had a strange scent as well. Some kids seem to either have some sort of Cologne or Perfume on, or their quirks are causing a mix of smells. Gross.

Sitting in the "announcement room," Aoyama looks at how students pour in. So much people made him anxious and worried. Trying to be brave, he tries to stay positive. One thing he notices though that really makes him panic, is a student he used to know. One that used him.

Aoyama tried his hardest not to stare, but he couldn't help it. The student still had the intimidating glare, his eyes were scary as always. His quirk was heartbeat. He can raise the sound of his heartbeat, and whoever hears it gets very paranoid, and can tense up. Sometimes this heartbeat makes technology malfunction as well. It's likely he saw Aoyama since he was activating his quirk a slight bit. Back then, Aoyama always called him "B."

After a while of terrible beats, one of the teachers, known as the pro hero Present Mic, stands right at the front of the room. He's very yelly, and he seems bubbly. As charming as he seems, He's someone Aoyama may not like. Present Mic explains the rules of the entrance exam. 1 pointers, 2 pointers, and 3 pointers, and a no pointer. Hearing this strangely made Aoyama calm. It was a test that Aoyama May simply pass. The written test was difficult, so he expected this to be worse. Now the feeling is pretty different, He could really just fire his laser at one of the monsters and boom, there are the points.
After a while, Aoyama got bored and went off into his own world, not realizing that he had a strange face on. A few people snickered.

After the explanation and Present Mic screaming "Plus Ultra!", everyone walks out to the designated area on their cards. Wandering to his area, Aoyama notice the broccoli hair kid. He looks nervous, and sweaty. How plain.
He felt nervous too, in fact. So He couldn't bash him much. Instead, Aoyama kept a confident face on.

After a while of waiting, Present Mic yelled from the top of a building.
Hearing those words, everybody sprinted into action.
Two minuets into the test, Aoyama has collected at least 30 points. He sees the broccoli haired kid, preparing himself for a 1 pointer. However, he seems frozen.
What's a cowardly, weak kid like him doing here?
Firing his laser, he hits the 1 pointer.
"I got him!"
The plain boy shoots his head towards Aoyama.
"Merci! We make a great team with you as my decoy~" Aoyama teases. "However... I don't think I'll be seeing you later."
Running away, Aoyama shouts "Adieu!"
Two minuets remaining. Aoyama notices how some people haven't gathered many points and who have gathered a lot. He kept an eye on the Green kid, however. Something about him made Aoyama excited. They had a lot in common.
There's a loud crash, and large bits of rubble falls to the ground.
A 0 pointer.


"Oh cmon, it won't hurt just to jump!" Toku exclaims to the third grader Aoyama.
"It looks dangerous..." he says from the top of the slide. It was very tall, and jumping down from it would break the rules.
"Don't be such a wuss, we do it all the time!" She exclaims. Toku gave Aoyama the impression that she was a bad girl, and wanted to be his friend. Mainly, she only wanted an extra member to her "posse."
"I-if you say so." Aoyama murmurs, and prepares himself to jump. Hesitating, he finally hops off and lands on the ground. The landing went better than expected, but the impact on his feet made them pulse and ache. Leaning over to the side, he exclaims "that was a terrible idea!!"
"Haha! You looked stupid falling like that. Try again next time but on a roof - if you practice then you'll get better form."
"On a roof? Are you hinting at something else?.." Aoyama grumbles.
"Oh I'm just teasing. Now, you better run before a teacher gets ya!" Toku exclaimed, and ran. Aoyama, panicked, and ran with her.
This is only one of her little tricks to embarrass Yūga.
Aoyama is still upset at what she's done.

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