Chapter 10: A New Day

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Possible trigger warning? Idk.
Btw if you guys want me to stop adding chapter pics then tell me lol.

The next morning, Aoyama wondered about his decision. The thought of him being bad was exciting, yet it scared him at the same time.
No matter though. No one will have to know. He'll live fine, right? Maybe even happier. They said he would fit in.

Walking into the school, Aoyama feels nervous. He's kept secrets, yes, but mostly are about what he really feels, its always behind that empty smile. But this is different.

Today, It's going by quite fast. Normal, boring classes go by, Lunch, but in the afternoon classes, things get a little more interesting. It's a class where the number one hero of this world, All Might, is teaching!

It may not seem much, but having the best hero ever teaching you is incredible. They'll be learning hero basics in this class, so things like strategies and all that.

In this class, 1-A waits for the teacher to arrive. Aoyama is nervous, wondering about what's going to happen. He doesn't show his emotions though, he has his ways of hiding things.

I wonder, Aoyama thought. Will he demonstrate anything? A fight, perhaps?

Aoyama's thoughts were interrupted by a booming voice yelling "I AM HERE!... WALKING THROUGH A DOOR LIKE A NORMAL PERSON!!"


Aoyama stood straight, he needs to take notes on All Might, for the League of Villains. For now... perhaps mental notes will do.
All might just blabbers on in the class. It's rather anticlimactic with his dramatic entrance...
He explains that they're going to go out to a course to train as real Hero's. This perks up Aoyama slightly, as it's finally something interesting. They're going to receive their hero uniforms that they had laid out and sent into UA, and wear them for the training.

Aoyama giggles to himself.

Mine will be the most glamorous. he thinks, full of pride. With the most tech and shine, I bet, compared to others. I'll keep an eye on who thought most into power instead of style.


Later on, everyone in class 1-A had changed into their outfits, and walked outside to the training area. It was a fake city, like in the entrance exam.

Aoyama looked around. He noticed the boy with the explosion hair, Katsuki. His outfit was bulky, and showy. He had large gauntlets, however. This made Aoyama think.
Those would get in the way of combat. There's no way it's only for show. What is his quirk again?...
Aoyama looks around more. He sees the pink haired girl, in an outfit that made him blush slightly.
She was in a skin tight jumpsuit with a mask and some furry thing around her shoulders. The thing that got him a little flustered was how much... um... Cleave, she showed. Aoyama looked away - he has no interests in staring.

Observing more instead of listening to All Might, he sees a girl in a black ponytail. This one makes him really look away. So much skin....

"-And that's what's going to happen! Any questions?" The number one hero asks, snapping Aoyama out his thoughts. Aoyama isn't sure what's happening at the moment, but he doesn't really care.

The students throw a round of questions at All Might.
"What will Determine our victory?"
"can we just beat up the others?"
"Will punishment be expulsion like Mr Aizawa?..."
"How do we proceed to divide into teams?"
"Isn't my cape fabulous? ☆"
...Aoyama didn't realize he responded for a second and just kinda froze.
...Aaaaand another embarrassing thing to add to the book. Lovely.

All Might seems troubled. "I'LL ANSWER YOUR QUESTIONS LATER!..."

Aoyama took a mental note. Perhaps he can crack under embarrassing pressure.

All Might then explains how they will be deciding teams: by drawing lots. Aoyama hopes to be teamed with someone good.


Aoyama's parents called the school and had the boys suspended for physical bullying. Aoyama didn't think much into it, they're only coming back.
The kids at school thought he was weird, still. They would find it even stranger that he had a certain face on the entire time: an empty smile. It didn't give a happy vibe like normal smiles would. It was plain, almost unnerving. They murmured about it.

The days went by quietly, and Aoyama tried keeping his space from people. He relied on his parents for real company, until that day.
"I really think we should move schools." His mother said to his father.
"He's a boy, he will be fine! He will grow out of it. Why do you care so much anyways??" The father replied. Aoyama listened from his room, near his door.
"Because he's my son, that's a stupid question!"
"You didn't even want him."
That struck Aoyama. What did he mean?
"Of course I did, do you remember how happy I was to be a mother?"
"You were happy to call yourself one. I did the same too. You didn't care if he really seemed social or not the first day he went to a daycare - you didn't care if he had friends. You only wanted to make him successful. You only wanted to say you had a smart child and that you were a mother."
His father was stern. His mother was silent. It was true.
Aoyama, crawled into his bed, thinking about what he just heard.
Are they serious? Is that all they want?
He was angry.

HELLO MY DRAGONS! I won't be making the Author notes often, just know that I'm sorry that this is basically just Aoyama's POV of Bnha rn. I'm gonna do a biggen time skip soon. Just stay tuned lol.

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