Chapter 21: Who Is It

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All Might and the bird have been going at it for some time - All Might is clearly showing a weakness.

Instantly, later on, All Might manages to hit one final blow to that monster, and it sends it flying.

All Might stands, prideful. Shiguraki is clearly agitated,

But Aoyama is now afraid. Wide eyed, even. By the looks of it, that was their main weapon.

He knew this plan was going to fail.

Aoyama couldn't risk it anymore - he dashes off and takes off the outfit. The plan was going to fail - and he would be caught if he stayed in the outfit. I mean, he didn't do much, but in the end he was on the Villains side.

He holds the outfit and places it somewhere he can grab again to give to Kurogiri. While placing it down, he heard an ahem.

Alerted, he turns around and sees gloves and boots. Her again.

"Aoyama..." she murmurs. "You, of all people... why do you have that ugly costume?"

A bit of silence.
"Answer me!"
"Why do you need to know?" Aoyama says bluntly. He tries to look dominant, and looks at Hagakure. His face isn't normal - it's evil. Cold. Angry. She's taken aback.

"It could mean so many things, A-Aoyama." She stammers. "And why would you attack me."

Aoyama smiles - not the empty hollow one. This one had meaning behind it. "Take a guess."

"You... you can't be implying that you're a villain, Aoyama." She replies.

"Perhaps I am, perhaps I'm not." The boy says. "The only issue is if you find real evidence to go against me if I am. Leave me."

"Aoyama, if you're a villain..." she seems to go in a fighting stance. "I'm gonna have to hurt you. You're just as bad as those other villains."

"Tsk, tsk," Aoyama Murmurs. "So impatient. If it's a fight you want it's a fight you'll get."

"Bring it!" She yells and runs after him. Aoyama, slightly taken aback, nearly dodges her tackle.

Grabbing her arm, he yanks her to the side and slams her on the floor. Angered, she grabs his leg and forces him down. When Aoyama fell, Hagakure sits on top of him and attempts to beat his face.

We all know how Aoyama reacts - he tries with all his Might to keep her from doing so. She's strong, though. He would need to distract her to calm her down long enough for him to leave her grasp. A thought comes to his head, a nasty one.

It's the only one he thinks of so far, so he follow through with it.

God forgive my sins.

While she lifts her hand, he takes his chance and reaches to her chest area.

He could practically see her blush.

"Sorry," he whimpers to her and kicks her off.


Maybe it wasn't the wisest choice for Aoyama, all he knew was that he had to rid of her. Kill her.

The voice is Aoyama's Head echoes louder than usual.

"Wh... what?"


Kill her.

Aoyama holds his head as Hagakure lunges at him.

Kill her. Do it for the league.

"Who is talking?!"

A Dim Sparkle - BNHA Traitor Fanfiction [EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now