Chapter 3: No Control

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Everyone runs from the towering robot, all but Aoyama, who watches from the side. He's afraid to run, yet it was obviously more dangerous for him to stay.
A loud wince came from a girl. Peeking from his hiding spot, he sees a soft looking gal with pink cheeks, crushed under rubble. The one pointer was closing in on her.
The broccoli haired boy froze, and looked at the robot with determination in his eyes. How exciting is this?
Instantly, out of nowhere, he jumps. So high and with so much force that he broke the ground beneath him....

Clenching his hand into a fist, the seemingly plain kid wasn't plain anymore. He hit the robot with all his might, yelling "Smash!"
The robot was thrown back, falling down.
It was so exciting, almost as if they were in a movie!
The feeling changed though when the boy stayed to fall. His arms and legs were entirely broken. They were flailing around in the air.
Watching that only got Aoyama more intrigued.

The boy seemed to prepare to hit the ground once more, and just before impact, the girl he saved gives him a slap on the cheek, and he started to float.
As he lands to ground sound softly, the girl hurls onto the ground.
He had no power over his quirk.
Aoyama didn't have much power over his.
They were the same."
Later on, back at home, he greets his mother.
"How was the test?" She asks. Aoyama, with a beaning smile, raises his hand fabulously and claims "it went amazing!"
"Really now? Your father will be glad to hear that!" His mother says.
"Indeed, I hope so. I had gotten so many points, it went a lot more successful than I had assumed, and my laser was for some reason, easier to aim! I could shoot it longer than usual... perhaps it was the tension in the events.." Aoyama rambles. His mother feels a little defeated. She had doubted him so, and now look at him, possibly getting into UA.
Later on, reading a book, Aoyama heads the front door open. His father was home.
Instantly, his mother explains to his father what Aoyama told her. He felt proud that his mom was excited about him for once. He accomplished something.
His father seemed happy as well, but Aoyama heard him say to her that he was probably just saying it to make her happy.
The happy vibe had died down.
Aoyama, ignoring what he just heard, went back to his book.


"C'monnnn, whats the harm?" Toku asks, toying around with Aoyama in fourth grade now. "If you let me take the picture then I'll give you a packet of gum."
"Toku, Chérie... this is stupid." Aoyama grumbles. Toku had asked Aoyama to wear a stupid outfit, post it on social media, and let Toku type something embarrassing into the description. "Why would I even do this willingly??"
"Because you lost a bet. Now chop chop! Put it on!" Toku jokes. Aoyama sighs and places it on.
The photo is taken, and She types into the picture's description, "Hello my pretties! Say hello to a new look! No one could amount to this beauty!"
Aoyama looked at the description she wrote. Instantly he was offended. "..That's beyond stupid. Please don't-"
"Post!~" Toku said, posting it. Aoyama was hurt. His parents would see that....

But to admit, a part of this is Toku's loss. If she wanted to think of something nasty she could've tried harder, yknow?


Later on, on another day, Toku invites Aoyama back at her place.

"My mom says you can even stay the night!" She exclaims. "I have so many things planned, you don't even know."

"I'm not so sure, I don't know what my mom will say..."

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