Chapter 5: Revisitation

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Aoyama goes down for a walk the next day, alone. Mainly because he wanted to avoid doing house chores as much as possible.
Walking down, he spots someone familiar.
He was only in an alleyway, but this still made Aoyama nervous. Trying to walk past quietly, he also notices that he's with a few others. His 'team.'
"Oh hey, would you look at that." One of the kids in the group says. They spotted Aoyama. "It's glitter hair over there."
"Eh?" B says, and turns. Aoyama tried to run out but is stopped by another kid yelling "where do you think you're going?"

"Turn around a get back here, Yuga." B says, through clenched teeth. "I need to talk to you about something."
Aoyama hesitantly turns around and walks into the alley.
"So... it's been a while, hasn't it? ☆" Aoyama says, trying to keep his cool.
"Where you at the UA entrance exam?" B asks. "I think I saw someone like you get in?"
"N...." Aoyama stutters.
"Don't lie to me. It'll only make matters worse." B puts pressure on Aoyama.
"Yes, yes I was." The glowing boy replies. "Is that a problem?"
"Yeah! It's a stupid idea for you to try to become a hero!" One of the kids laugh. "You already tried to run away now!"
"You're a coward, Yuga." B mocks. "You don't deserve to be a hero."
Aoyama, hurt by the words, puts a smile on his face.
"What's with that look?"
"You're only jealous. Did you make it into UA, my friend?" Aoyama smirks, proud of his comeback.
"I haven't opened my letter yet, Aoyama. I don't need to." B replies coldly.
"You should probably do it anyways. Then maybe you can compare yourself to me."
"It's funny, you think you're higher than me!"
"That's because I am in this situation. I made it into UA, Mium." Aoyama replies to B using his real name, startling 'Mium' a slight bit.
"...tch. You'll be kicked out the second you get in. Now get out of my sight, you moron." B angrily says, and shoves him away.
"You seem grumpy ☆" Aoyama teases. "Try letting loose sometimes, and try not to be-"
Instantly Aoyama tenses up to the sound of a heartbeat. Mium walks up to Aoyama, and grabs him by the collar.
"Shut up."
Letting him go, Aoyama nervously walks away from the alley. What a strange event....
Aoyama thought about Toku a lot. Surely she didn't mean that, right?
'Doesn't matter, she's not important. It's not as if this is the first time something like this happened. Like back in kindergarten, I don't even have my quirk, and all the students mocked me and teased me. And all those kids before, leading up to now... And look at me, I'm still standing.'
After that day, Aoyama has put on his mask.
As the year went by, he met someone new, Mium Togaku. He was eager to befriend Aoyama, and he had blindly became his friend. Mium used him as well, they only needed an extra spot in their group.
It took too long for Aoyama to realize it before embarrassing himself again.

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