Chapter 9: Convincing

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Aoyama wakes up in a bar, tied up and with tape over his mouth.
Where am I? He wondered. What happened?
"It's about time he woke up. I thought you killed him." A cold, shrill voice says.
"For the last time Tomura, I only knocked him out!" Another voice said. Aoyama's vision was blurry, so he couldn't tell who was who.
"Why did you bring him here again? He seems too 'pure' to be one of us." That cold voice asks.
"I heard him talking about a few things. He's someone from UA - and you know we need info on that school. If we can, we could convince him to be a spy." The other voice replies.
"Where am I?!" Aoyama tried to say. It only comes out as limp mumbles.
"You really think we can convince him?"
"I see a spark in the kid. He's got an edgy past, we can get something going."
"Alright. Let's see what we can do." A dry hand touches the tape on Aoyama's face, and it disintegrates. Aoyama, Finally free, throws a round of questions.
"Who are you?! Where am I?! What happened?! Did you hurt my family?!"
"Calm down kid," someone with large lips walks up to Aoyama. "We aren't gonna hurt you... yet."
"Listen to me." Aoyama looks at a dry, crusty man with a hand on his face speak. "I'm sure you've heard of villains, correct?"
"I....indeed." Aoyama stutters.
"Have you ever thought of becoming one?"
Aoyama tenses up. "No! I'm training to become a hero, not a villain-"
"What good do you see in being a hero?" The man with the big lips interrupts. Aoyama feels the need to answer.
"....I... I can prove to people that I can be someone." He replies. He begins to ramble out of control. "That I can be strong. That I'm not a coward.... I was always teased because I was different. but-"
"Ah, we're all different here, buddy." big lips says. "You're like us. In all honesty, we wanted to be accepted. But everybody saw us as villains when we tried to be strong. We now want to show that the name 'hero' is the same name as 'villain,' only one is accepted more because the law says so."
Aoyama thought. That can't be true... villains attack others! That isn't right!
"I know you're thinking about ways that I could be wrong. But listen, if you join us, you could show how strong you can really be, and make the world even. You could be equal. You could be like everybody else."
Those last words hit Aoyama. He thought about the positive sides of becoming a villain.
The villains talk to Aoyama about more and more pros - they drown out all of the cons. The French man starts to become more and more convinced. Something in the back of his head echoed "you'll be normal."
"....alright." Aoyama says to the others. "I'll try to be a villain. But I don't want to be known as one. Maybe one in secret , I have a life you know."
"Splendid! We'll make sure to keep you secret. Welcome to the League of Villains."
"You don't have to do much yet. But for now, just be a spy on UA. We need information from them. Visit us tomorrow with things you've collected." The crusty man says. Aoyama really can't believe he said that he's joining, but his thought of being equal for once overtook everything else.
It was a start for the growing evil within him.
"Aoyama! Slow down!" Mium's friend exclaims.
"What's the matter? " Aoyama teases. "Can't keep up?"
Aoyama, Mium, and Mium's friend were playing tag in Aoyama's backyard. His mother and father watched from the window.
"I can't believe someone is really this nice to him." His mom says. "Aoyama was beaten down and tossed around just yesterday, and Mium is right there for him."
"It's strange for him to be such great friends with that kid all of a sudden, true. But maybe there's an actual chance that they're really together?" His father replies.
They had come to the conclusion that Aoyama had a friend.
All until the next week.
Aoyama went to school on next week Friday, and was visited by someone new in the Mium group.
"Aoyama!" Mium calls him over. "Check it! We found someone new!"
Aoyama walks up to the new kid, and greets him. "Bonjour, Monsieur. My name is Yuga Aoyama, it's a pleasure to meet you. "
"....this is the guy you told me about?" He asks Mium. The hearty boy snickers.
"Yep. Isn't he glowing?" Mium asks. Aoyama beams happily, assuming it's a compliment.
The new kid smirks. "Meet me at the back after school. I wanna get to know you more."
After school, Aoyama walks to the back to talk. He's rather excited to get to know another friend. He sees Mium and the other kid and waves. Wandering up to them, he greets the two.
"Bonjour! Why did we have to come back here after school? We had an opportunity to talk at lunch. " he asks.
"Because we wanted to watch you run off in tears." The new kid says bluntly. Aoyama is confused.
"Erm... quelle?" Aoyama replies.
Mium gives a dark stare. "He's your replacement. I'm cutting you off. You're starting to get annoying."
"B-but I thought we were true friends.. non?" Aoyama asks, sadness in his voice.
"are you going to cry?" The new kid mocks, and gives Yuga a shove. "Crybaby?"
"He's a crybaby, bro. He told about his old 'bullies' back then. He's a wuss." Mium snickers. Aoyama feels incredibly hurt, but tries not to show.
With an inhale, he gives a smile. "Well, how unfortunate. I'll be on my way now, then." And he turns to walk away, only to be stopped by Mium grabbing his shirt and pulling him back.
"You aren't going anywhere." He emits his quirk, causing Aoyama to freeze and panic.
They began to hurt him, both physically and emotionally. Kicking him around.
In the end, they left him. Crying on the ground.
Aoyama wanted revenge, but knew he was too weak to fight back.

Slowly and painfully getting up, he walks home, and sits on his house porch for a while, clutching his arm.
.... "how many bruises is that now? He's practically the fifth person to turn their back on me. Maybe the fourth. I lost count." He begins to tear up.
Life is cruel.
What a drama queen.

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