Chapter 23: Walking

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The next day school was canceled. This would mean that Aoyama has time to speak to the villains.

He's not surprised, but he is upset that he woke up early for nothing, just to find out that everything is off. He got dressed and everything...

All of a sudden his phone goes off. He looks at his notifications, and one comes from Magne.

Magne (now)
     Meet us at 12:30 pm in the bar.

Aoyama sighs. Maybe he shouldn't have gotten himself wrapped into this villainy, he would be much less shaken.

He's still frightened over what had happened at the USJ. He had a schizophrenic experience, almost. His heart is still even pounding.

——When Aoyama talking to his mother at home after the incident——

"Oh my child!" His mother exclaims as Aoyama walks through the door. "Oh my goodness, I was so worried!"

Aoyama is shaking a little. "Bonjour, mama."

"I got a call from the police and- and- I just couldn't believe it! How could my baby be involved in such a thing?!" His mother cries.

"Is Papa home?" Aoyama could kick himself for saying that. Just talk to her, for Pete's sake!

"Ah, your father... couldn't stay."

Perhaps they had fought again.

"I see." He says, bluntly.

"My dear, are you alright?" She says with a low voice. "You sound like you've been crying."

"Oh, no, I'm just... tired." Aoyama says. He's not lying, he was exhausted. When he walked home, that voice echoed again. It took him all his will not to do anything about it. He was distressed.

"Ah- go to bed then! Please, keep yourself warm, my son. Come on now," she leads him to his room for no reason. He found her strange.


For a small while, Aoyama thought about his costume. He doesn't know where the portal went - or how the heck it got a voice modifier. Magne better not have snuck into my house...

He sighs and looks at the time. 11:46. He should start walking.

He gets up and grabs his phone. Changing into his civilian clothes, he wonders what the villains wanted to talk about. Another lesson? Another person to rob or something? Another reason not to go outside...

He opens his door after changing and tells his mom that he's going out for a walk. Halfway to the bar, he sees an old friend. Or bully. Don't remember.
He was just next to him on the sidewalk. He tries not to make eye contact. Unfortunately, it doesn't work. It's Mium, after all. You can't avoid him.

"Aoyama." He says in a blunt tone. Aoyama smiles and makes a little hum sound, to show that he heard.

"What are you doing, walking around at this time?" Mium asks. He sounds slightly agitated.

"Well, you see... I have an errand to run." Aoyama replies. "Why do you need to ask?"

"I see you wandering around during this time too often. What's the deal?" Did Aoyama always walk around noon? What's he talking about?

"Huh?" Aoyama asks. He pauses. "Wait, shouldn't you be in school?"

"No. Explain to me why you're out almost every day at noon." Mium got more agitated. "If you're in UA you shouldn't be out and about."

"There was an incident today, Mium. You should see it on the news soon-"

"Stop avoiding the question."

"Mium, I—"

"If I see your face around here again, I will bury you. I swear to god." Mium grabs Aoyama by the collar. He winces. "Do I make myself clear?"

Aoyama nods. "Y-yes, now please put me down."

Mium drops Aoyama with no hesitation. "Never mind about the question. Now go do your 'errand' thing." He says as he walks away. Aoyama dusts himself off.

"Idiot" he murmurs under his breath, not caring if Mium heard. He continues to walk down the sidewalk, hearing footsteps echo in the alleys.


He wondered what the others would think of the performance yesterday.


His father was taken to the hospital while Yuga was apologizing non-stop. Ever since Koro passed, it felt like everything was going wrong. Everything was falling downhill.

Lying in his room, he could hear his mother weep. What did he do? How could he?

Was he that heartless?

Guilt surged through him. School would be a wreck, life would be a wreck, what's going to happen to him?

A month after this incident, it comes to show that his father will be fine. There will be a scar, but the laser didn't blow right through him. If it was holding out longer, then it would have.

His family had a conversation with Aoyama about his quirk. They were obviously afraid.

"Yuga," his mother began. "Your quirk is something... oh, how do I say...."
"Dangerous." His father butts in. "Risky. We need to teach you how to control it."
"Don't call him dangerous, he's still adapting!" Yuga's mother exclaims.
"We can't sugarcoat everything!"
Aoyama only sat in his chair, staring at where he shot his father.

This conversation seemed to loop back to how his mother would keep everything low, so it was ended with no conclusion. A confusing night for Aoyama.


Okay, so. Author interjection here.

I know it's been literal YEARS since I've uploaded, I'm sorry! I have many reasons for that. Life wasn't the best after the last chapter was posted, and things went downhill.

But!! Everything is okay now! and chances are that I may start uploading again. however, that will be inconsistent. 

This chapter was written a long, long time ago. Heck, right after the last chapter was written. So, the grammar and storytelling in it is utter garbage. I will not proofread this chapter for the sake of keeping what it once was, before I dive deeper into the story and tell more about what I had planned in a slightly different direction.

Thank you for reading this chapter after all this time. I don't know when I will next update, as I'm not as much into this fandom anymore, but I hope this crap chapter will serve enough for now.

See you next time.

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⏰ Última atualização: Sep 26, 2020 ⏰

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A Dim Sparkle - BNHA Traitor Fanfiction [EDITED]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora