Chapter 3

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Rachel's arms where being locked in chains slithering around Her arms and legs. Locking Her in position. "Hey, babe." Rachel's new boyfriend says. Tssshh! Poisonous, dark purple fumes started to fill the underground getaway. The chains briefly zapped Her but She wasn't o.k. "Help, NO, NO! No just STOP THIS SON OF A BITCH ALREADY!" A random person obscured by the fog said, implied being tortured. Her new boyfriend locked Her in place. He began kissing Her. "I love you." Rachel said romantically. He hugged Her. He wrapped His sweater around Her to keep Her warm. It was getting colder and colder. " I couldn't have felt more sexy than this...the ex-boyfriend I had was such a jerk!" Rachel stated. It was all fun and love, until all of a sudden...

Everything stopped. The air was now dry. The ceiling was damp. The floor was damp to Rachel's bare feet. She had to take off Her shoes and socks for this ritual before doing this because if so, then it would be extremely dangerous & could've died in real life! She had to take off Her accessories. Including Her earrings. There was no going back. "Oh..." Rachel is shuttering in such drastic fear. "Oh my god!" She bellowed. "Where are the police? What? Why is there some water filling up to my thighs?" She asked aloud. Water was filling up a foot and a half up & up & up. Rachel thought She was going to get ready to drown, suffer and DIE! "WHAT. THE. HELL." She said in a grouchy voice. All of a sudden, as the water level reached up to Her breast, She noticed a small drain below Her feet. It emptied the long hallway.

Before you know it, the hallway was vacant. Just the way it was before. Something just seemed so odd. There was something in the doorway that caused it to be ajared. A huge man with huge biceps, a bloody apron, a big mask & two prosthetic hands. And in those hands was a giant, large reciprocating saw that buzzed loudly. "Huh???...????WAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Came the scream of the girl who was ready to be executed. Buzz! Buzz! EERRR! URR Uhr! Went the electric saw. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" She continued screaming. ", please don't do this!" She whimpered. The saw was directly right near Her ear, VROOM!!! VROOM!!! VRROOOUUUM!!!!!!! Is this the end of Rachel Fowler? "AAHHH!...AAAAHHHH!..AAAHHHH! Ah, uuahha...ahhh..a.a...." She was coughing now. She couldn't scream! It is getting colder. The saw was cutting threw Her hair. It chopped some of it off. But just as it was about to sever half of Her head off, She disappeared & was behind the monster. A monster rather than a human, Rachel hit a button to make an alarm go off. Wasn't a loud alarm though...Not nearly as bad as the reciprocating saw. "Just let me be free!" Rachel prayed. "Lord...please help ME!!!!" She said. Her grace matched Her satisfactory when deep-blue water filled up. But faster & faster until it was hard to breathe in the lack of oxygen that was being consumed by the rising water. "Let's go-" The monster said as He was being interrupted by the rising water that has not reached the ceiling with no place to go. Rachel was blessed to be a member of Her school team's swim club. "I will kill you.." The man said. " I will seriously rip every artery out of your circularly system! Come here, come here! Come here! Come here, I want to use your blood to change the water color! OR YOU'LL BE DEAD RIGHT HERE!" HE SAID UNDERWATER! "Wah!" Rachel got startled underwater, gasping a few bubbles. She found an air vent at the bottom of the floor. Luckily, the metal screws where rusting from the water. As soon as She knew it, She swam into the vent. It beamed upwards as She just swam two feet. "Argghh!" She was choking. "Ow! Ow! Gag! Gag! Gug! Gug! Gugag!!" She had to reach for some air now...or She would die. She swam to a pint-sized surface that would allow Her to fill Her lungs with oxygen. She was swimming hard. Without...WITHOUT DEAD IMMEDIATE WARNING! THE WATER LEVEL WAS coming to a just as it was reaching the peak. "No." Rachel screamed underwater! She knew She was going to run out of oxygen anyhow!!!! She finally reached the surface! "Huhh. Ahhh..aaw...aaawww...that's so much..better..." She said, spitting out some water. She took one last deep breathe as the water rushed above Her beautiful looking forehead...That Her boyfriend said so. She was ready to die...."HEY! REMOVE THAT STONE TILE!" One man said. A remarkable blessing was made when the stone was removed. A hand of god was there to pull Rachel Fowler up from the devils dark waters of hell. "She is o.k!" A familiar boy...looked like. "Hey!" Said Maxwell. "Nice to see you again! You might wanna use this girl. You'll shiver from the inside out!" Rachel soon realized it! It was Her teacher Mr. Benson! "Safe & sound!" He uttered with joy and merriness. "Thanks, guys! Wait-" Rachel stopped dead sentence. "No shit!" One of the douchebag's said again. "LANGUAGE!!!" Mr. Benson yelled again. "What?!" Rachel just didn't know what to say! "Oh my god, I was underneath the Life-science ceremony, all this time!!" She said. "Like actually for real!!" She is astounded! So much to see! But really it was just a reenactment of it. Rachel may haven't been noticed!

But She was desperate to make Her move before it was a shit-outta-luck situation. The fog came out as mist from the dyer water levels that reached above! It was reaching toward the other Rachel quickly as She did nothing. Other than stand. The other Rachel just...dashed. She knocked the body double off the podium. "It!" The 2nd Rachel said. But why didn't it sound like Her? Well because...She had Marcus's larynx. "TWISTED!" She said. "EAT THIS!! YOU FAILED!!!" She muttered evilly. She grabbed some COP handcuffs. She threw Rachel into the fog! Psycho-semantically, She was tormented by the most captivating evil spirit that hung onto Her all this time! Time is of the essence! She went...Into a coma.

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