Chapter 6

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Asuna POV

I walked out of the building and I took my first full breath of fresh air. God, it's great to be back I thought with a smile on my face.

They say prison changes you in a way and sure as hell they were right. I've changed. I'm not the same person as I used to be. Not the same Yuuki Asuna. The berserk healer, lover of Kirito. Yeah... I'm not her anymore. She's dead. She's been dead for a long time. Ever since that bitch of a sniper rolled around.

My hands turned into fists but then I shook my head, took another deep breath, and let them go. My driver appeared before me and drove me to my mother's house.

As I sat in the back seat I thought about my time in prison which consisted of thoughts from past events. Gun Gale, watching Kirito and Sinon participating in both B.O.B 3 and 4, and before that...Sword Art Online. What differs me from some other people released from prison is that I'm not completely starting over. I'm continuing my work with my mother but differently, so I won't do the same mistake again and cause more issues.

I stepped out of the limo and walked inside my mother's house. It's the same as it used to be. Mother should be the same way as well. Which means...

"Yuuki Asuna." My mom said in front of the steps quite calmly which surprised me a bit

"Mother." I replied trying to copy the same monotoned voice and succeeded.

"Meet me in my studies. We have so much to work and catch up on. The maid will bring tea." She said before walking back to where she came from. The maid quickly took off my coat and headed off to the kitchen to fix up the tea that was requested.

I took my time exploring the house a bit, seeing there was no rush to meet my mother. Everything looked the same as when I left. Same pictured of flowers and castles, same glasses and chandeliers hanging on the ceiling and cases, same huge dining table. If it wasn't for my mom things would be sort of peaceful here. that would be near to impossible. But, just maybe. If I could leave and continue my work and studies elsewhere...I couldn't finish my thought as I felt a hard shoe fall against my head.

"I'm not waiting all day Asuna. Come on!" My mother roared. She hasn't changed one bit since before I got arrested.

I followed her up the stairs into her studies. She punched in a certain code on a keypad on the bookshelf and two of them opened up to reveal a small cramped and darkroom only having space for nine computer monitors stacked on top of each other and connected, a small desk with a mouse and computer, a Nerve Gear and Amusphere next to them, and finally a PC underneath the desk. My mother takes a seat on the chair that's beside them all.

"Remember this, my daughter? The headset...helmet, that started it all. All of the worlds and exploration and determination of millions. But, it is also the technology that almost ended it all. All the precious research that Kayaba had started and what we have." She said as she carefully examined the Nerve Gear. "There's only about...ten of these in the world, Kayaba's greatest creation. He had a beautiful idea but ruined it. Just like you almost ruined mine." She said in disgust before putting it down.

"But, unlike Kayaba, I have back up plans. Always be prepared for the unexpected is a trait both you and I share Asuna. Thus, why you are still standing in front of me and not one of those 4,000 people dead from Sword Art Online." She continued

Inside I was gritting my teeth, hearing that name from my mother. It's been years since the events from that death game. Even so, I didn't let that show

My mother sighed before continuing again. "I had enough lecturing you. I have a small job for you. Take this as part of your redemption for what happened in GGO." She spoked. Mother had the same cold eyes as always. She never held true emotion in her eyes. I nodded in reply.

"I want you to log into ALO and observe what's going on. I haven't gone into the World Seed and destroyed the map yet but I planted enough data bombs to scare the entire player population. Come back with information on what you saw."

"Yes, mother."

                   Later that night I decided to complete my mom's request and log into the virtual world MMO. It has been a while since I logged in. It almost scares me to see what memories I will remember of my past that I thought was buried years ago.

                   Logging into ALO was as easy as I remembered it to be. Technology definitely evolved a lot over the years. ALO also is just as I remember it...but empty.

                  I shook my head slightly as I flew in the sky over another deserted city. Soon these memories will be buried along with this world. The memories of him, that death game, her, and the events after that. The faster the worlds are destroyed, the faster those memories will disappear. Even if he falls with them.

                   Seeing my stamina getting lower and lower I decided to land on a deserted small island nearby that was surrounded by water. It had only one tree in the middle. Maybe it was a meeting or small battle spot for players.

                    As I approached the island I saw a person standing near the tree in the process of logging out. It seems they weren't in a hurry and was taking their time

               A person is still here huh. It won't be hard to approach them and ask them questions. I thought. I flew in a bit faster towards the island in an attempt to catch them.

                    I didn't get the chance to catch them, the system beating me to it, but instead, I was greeted by a pair of surprised yet calm violet purple eyes.

             For someone to still be here in a calm state while ALO is getting destroyed day by day is intriguing and interesting. I won't tell mother...but I'll definitely be looking into it.

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