vanilla milkshake

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rosemary toss and turn all night long because she can't stop thinking about the mysterious dude. she is determined to once again use the magic of the milkshake to summon the boy she lost yesterday. at exactly 6 o clock, rosemary jumps out of bed and into the shower. well, she tries to jump into the shower but ends up tripping and almost falling into the toilet. since it's the middle of december and it's freezing outside, rosemary lingers just a bit in her warm shower. she soon realizes that she's falling asleep in the shower and quickly turns the shower off. she then proceeds to dry herself and dresses in warm layers so that the weather wouldn't affect her.

it's now 7:30 because her shower took up almost a whole hour. the smell of bacon and pancakes fill the kitchen and rosemary took a good breath, taking in the smell. her mother is standing in the kitchen, prepraring breakfast.

'hey mum. im going to the grocery store for a bit. do you need anything?'

'this early in the morning? well alright dear, pick up some gatorade for your brother. he's obsessed with those.'

rosemary grabs her coat and heads toward the grocery store. she opens the double door as the warm air rushes to her body. she grabs a cart and begins wheeling it towards vanilla extract. after 5 minutes of choosing which brand is the best, she settles for the cheapest, since she's low on money. after getting all of the ingredients, rosemary heads toward the gatorades. 

just as she is about to grab a pack, a hand reaches out and grabs it. she looks up and a tall, blonde boy stood next to her. she grabs another pack of gatorade and heads toward the checkout counters. as she is waiting in line, rosemary takes a good look at the boy. he's tall and looks about her age. he looks like a good cuddler. rosemary smiles at the thought of it.

'good cuddler, huh?' the boy says in a thick australian accent.

rosemary's face blushes from pink to crimson. the boy just smile at her. good lord he's cute. rosemary quickly pays for her stuff and head home. 

zac, her brother, is on the couch with half of his body dangling off of it. she grabs a bottle of gatorade and throws it at him. he winces at the pain then proceed to fall face first, kissing the floor. zac gives her the middle finger and walks to his room. rosemary chuckles as she walks to the kitchen.

once again she makes the milkshake and set it out in the front yard. this time she includes a note saying

hello stranger. please wait for me this time, will you? xx

she sighs happily and waits patiently for her prince charming. a long time passes and she's afraid that the milkshake will freeze due to the weather. just as she is about to give up, a hooded figure approaches the yard. rosemary watches the figure intensely as he drink the milkshake. the hood is now push down to reveal his messy blonde hair. he then turns around to face the window, then smiles at rosemary. 

it's that guy from the grocery store.

im sorry this is shitty but i love u lots xx

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