chocolate milkshake

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rosemary pulls the curtain shut because she's too embarassed to look at the boy. she peeks at the boy once more only to find his back to her. she opens the front door and step outside. the chilly air makes her shiver as she makes her way toward the boy. she taps on his shoulder quietly, too embarassed to actually say anything. he turns around and smiles at her. my god he's cute.

'so not only am i a good cuddler, i'm cute too?'

'did i really say that out loud? again?'

he nods and grins at her. she blushes once again because his smile is just too adorable.

'um well, my name is rosemary. rosemary springer.'

'im luke. luke hemmings.'

'well, um, this is awkward.'

'you're kinda cute.' 


'nothing, nevermind.'

this time it's luke's turn to blush.

'why didn't you wait for me yesterday?' rosemary asks suddenly.

'i did. but i got tired of waiting.'

'boo you suck.'

'and you swallow.'

rosemary gasps at his response. luke chuckles quietly and rosemary smiles because everything about him makes her smile. she realizes how silly this all is. after all, luke is a boy she just met a few minutes ago. and here they are, blushing and teasing each other. she doesn't mind, though, because he's cute.

'luke, why did you drink my milkshake?'

'well, did you not want me to?'

'no no, i'm just wondering.'

'because my milkshake brings all the boys to the yard.' he sang and breaks into a little dance.

rosemary giggles at the sight. they spend a minute just standing there, laughing for no reason.

'but rosemary, why did you leave your milkshake outside?'

'because i believe that it would bring me boys. you know, like the song.' she says in a completely serious tone.

'you're so gullible.'

rosemary just laughs because everyone says it. they spend the afternoon out in the yard, just talking about things. weird things, cool things, gross things, just...things.

'well, since you've made me two milkshakes already. i would like to return the favor.'

'and how exactly are you planning to do that?'

'would you like to taste luke hemmings's famous milkshake?'

'sure. why not?'

im sorry this is shitty, again. if you're reading this please comment, i love comments :)

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