a/n-please read.

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hello beauties.

so I know some of you might not read this, but please hear me out. I truly try my best to update this book as often as possible for you guys, but please please keep in mind that I do have a life outside of wattpad and writing. believe me, i'm always brainstorming stuff in my head for this story! I have really good ideas for what's to come, but it's kind of discouraging when people expect an update like right after I post.

I truly do appreciate the support and endless love i've gotten on this story. you guys truly are the best, okay? but please just give me some time to update! I do also get writers block sometimes, and I don't want to put out crappy half-assed content for you guys. I want to put out stuff you'll actually want to read. I know i've had a few filler chapters in this book, but those are mainly just to hold you guys over for the bigger events coming up in the next chapters.

also, it might be the only time I get to write since I am a full-time college student with a part time job. trying to keep up with classes, grades and schoolwork with a job is challenging at times, and will leave me with no time at all sometimes.

I appreciate those of you that are patient with me. it means a lot! I just wanted to put this out there so you guys know why I don't update as frequently as I do at other times.

I hope you understand!

Thank you again for all the love and support on this book. I love reading your guys' comments, seeing the votes and the lists you've added this book to. Hopefully this book can grow and expand in the most positive way, and I truly hope you guys enjoy what I have in store for Alina and Peter.

Until next time, beauties.

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