The 5 Love Languages

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After Perseus smiled that horrifying smile, his eyes just closed and he passed out. Loki quickly caught his head before it hit the ground and maneuvered the Agent so he lay on his chest while still keeping in contact with all three of them. Once Perseus was settled, Loki's head shot up and his eyes narrowed down on both of the colored women.

"Speak, mortals." Loki ordered, "Tell me everything."

The blue woman looked pissed, "Who are you to tell me to do anything? How do I know you aren't going to hurt Perseus more? How can you even touch him?"

I cut in before Loki snapped, "What do you mean? You're all touching him."

She scowled at me, "We're related to Thanos and Perseus trusts us, anyone else would dissipate painfully into pieces. That man who grabbed Perseus off of the god is lucky."

"How?" Said man, the Black Panther, asked.

"You're covered in cloth." Gamora answered easily before turning to the blue woman, "Sister, the god is Perseus' husband, Loki."

"Sister?" Loki questioned, putting his arms protectively around his husband.

The blue woman nodded her head, "My name is Nebula and if you want that thread out of your husband's lips then we should move fast."

Loki sat up immediately, "Tell me what to do."

"Us." Stark corrected, stepping forward.

I nodded, backing him up. Natasha, Bruce, Wanda, Pietro, Vision, and Thor followed me. The two sisters surveyed us all warily, ignoring the rest of the crew from the battlefield that just watched us curiously. They looked at each other, not moving until Gamora nodded her head. Nebula pursed her lips but got up, gesturing for Loki to do the same.

The silver tongue did as requested, carrying his husband bridal style. The sisters led the way inside, Loki following them quickly. Perseus on the other hand was just flopping around, his head thrown back to show his Adam's apple. The rest of our allies mimicked Loki, leaving the ruined platform and alien ship behind.

"Why're you all so protective of him?" Bucky asked us.

Natasha glanced at him, "To put it simply, we've gone through a lot together."

Peter Parker made a face, "Like what? No more than you and me right, Pietro? Buddy?"

Pietro smirked, "Well I've never asked you how gay intercourse went, have I?"

Stark doubled over, laughing. I chocked on my spit as Thor clapped me on the back, bawling. Loki spun around with wide eyes on smug looking speedster. Wanda just rolled her eyes, exasperated, Natasha following. I'm sure if Barton was here, he'd never let it go. Although Peter Quill did quite a good impression of Hawkeye by laughing just as loud as Thor, kneeling over.

"What did he say?" Loki grinned.

Wanda stepped in before Pietro said anything else, "Nothing. My brother just got blocked and his education, tested."

Rocket snorted, "Cock blocked? Or was that Loki?"

"Watch it, carcass." Loki snapped.

"Sure thing, blue balls." The raccoon quipped.

"Moving on." I input before the two went at it as they frequently did, "Perseus."

"I am Groot." Groot said.

Rocket rolled his eyes, "How should I know? The evil sister hasn't said anything yet."

Nebula bared her teeth at the two, "Zip it, Rodent. Come, husband of Perseus."

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