4 | show me affection goddammit

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I walked into my next shop and began my browsing. I've made it two hours shopping now. After I woke up this morning to a missing Tyler, and the rest of the gang, I figured I was in this house alone. I would have tried to tan, like I have for the past week, but it's raining outside today. While eating my breakfast I knew I couldn't explore the house, so my only option is to leave the house- kind of. I realized that I haven't left the house since I got there-- minus the run that one time. But still, I haven't had much shopping or coffee ordering in what felt like years.

So, I called Winston up and he brought me to the shopping center. I've made it through about ten stores and managed to only get three bags. When Winston handed me a credit card I gave him a funky look. He told me Mr. Delfino insisted on me using it. Not Charlie Delfino, but Tyler Delfino. That boy is making me go crazy. I was up for some time last night trying to dissect his mind. I'm assuming he spoke to me in Italian last night, since their family is of Italian descent. I have no idea if his mom was Italian or American, or maybe even another region. However, Mr. Delfino is. I hear him speak Italian a lot on the phone, and I'm pretty sure I've heard the guys mention the base back in Italy.

That must mean this gang is not only invincible on American soil, but on worldwide soil as well. But Tyler, no matter how much he wants to try and threaten my life and make it seem as if he wants nothing to do with me, the kiss we shared last night left him vulnerable to me. I felt the way his body cried out for the affection, the way his fingertips tried to hold back yet ended up skimming my waist instead. I think he needs me just like Mr. Delfino says.

A rack hit the ground and I turned around to see which klutzy old women has dropped something. Instead I'm left seeing a man in a baseball cap and very plain clothes. Interesting choice for him to be in a lingerie shop. I made my way back to the bra section and picked out a new one, along with a few pairs of panties. Panties is such a weird word. Where did they come up with this shit?

I handed the sales lady behind the counter my items as she scanned them. While she did that I looked around again, an uneasy feeling setting in. I saw the man in the baseball cap checking out perfumes and my brows furrowed. What is he doing here? The lady gave me my bag and I made my way out, noticing the baseball cap man following me. Alright, I give. I hope this isn't paranoia.

I pulled out my phone walking into the next store, Macy's, and dialed Lou's number. He picked up on the third ring and the baseball cap man followed me to the show section. "What is it Ms. Rachel, I'm busy." Baseball cap stalker went a ways over and ended up getting trapped by a salesman.

"I have a stalker." I quietly spoke into the phone, hoping the guy wouldn't hear me. I picked up a heel, making sure I looked busy. Lou was silent for a few seconds and I almost spoke again.

"You what?" He sounded fully intrigued now.

"You heard me." I saw my stalker look at me and I tilted my head at the shoe. "Now should I get the black heel or the red one?"

"I'm coming now, stay put." He hung up and I rolled my eyes. Like I'd run from this guy, he's twice the size of me. I put my heel back on the shelf and moved to the clearance section, because here I can totally see him watching me. I can see if he makes a move here. Wait, hold the phone.

No shit, these are the pair of heels I've been wanting for years. I gotta get them. I doubled checked the size and grinned when I saw they are my size. The bottoms are dusted with a silver glitter while the outside is this sleek black with a peep toe. They've always been out of stock anywhere I go. I slipped one heel on, triple checking to make sure it's my size. "Yes!" I whispered yelled. I looked around to see if I disrupted anyone and when I hadn't I put the shoe back in the box and made my way to the checkout desk. I saw my stalker head over to the adjacent section and let out an internal sigh of relief when I saw Lou walk into the store. He laid eyes on my stalker then to me, and tilted his head before he walked back out of Macy's.

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