12 | kill her

18 1 0

Tyler's hand tangled with mine as he drove down the bit of the highway. We just left his business building and are heading to lunch. He kissed the top of my hand and I turned my attention from the road to him. His hair which is slicked back had a piece dangling on his forehead. He quickly peaked at me and I smiled at him. "Amore?" I continued to look at Tyler as he drove down the road, his eyes wild with emotions and concentration.

He's called me Amore for the past couple days and I don't need a translation on that word. I couldn't believe he keeps calling me Amore. I know this is a lot for him in the sense of him learning to grow in a relationship so I didn't expect this so soon.

"Yes, Ty?" He smiled softly and wiggled his fingers that are with mine.

"Are you my girlfriend? Am I your boyfriend?" I looked at him in awe. Did he really just ask this? Is this where we are. I know I wanted more than a possession a few days ago, but for Tyler to just be so aware of what I wanted was a little odd. He's normally not this good with picking up on when I'm hurt.

He's getting better at it, though. He paused at the red light and his eyes made contact with me. "We are at this stage right? Boyfriend-- girlfriend?" The blush that covered his face warmed my heart. His nickname for me warms my heart. He warms my heart. I leaned closer to him and my lips collided with his. He gravitated to me and eventually had to pull away, moving on down the road. He licked his lips and I licked mine, watching his reaction to what just happened.

Once we got to the parking lot of the cafe he raised an eyebrow at me. "Ty, I'd love to walk around town and call you my boyfriend." He grinned at me and cupped my face. I smiled into the kiss and he let out a heart-stopping smile when we pulled away.

"Me and you." He whispered while his eyes roamed my face. I opened the car door and tugged on his hand.

"Come on, you promised to show me your favorite place to get a bite to eat." He nodded and quickly got out of the car. His hand laid on the small of my back as we made our way to get foor.

"Does this count as our first date as a couple?" He asked. I turned my head to look at him. His face is blush red. I nodded and kissed his jawline, my height not allowing me to reach his cheek.

"I guess it does, Ty."


Tyler and I made a pit stop on our way home. Apparently one of his gang friends, not Nick or Andrew, was having a testing party for their new strand of weed. They called it Flash MotherFucker. They tried to explain to me what it did, but I had no intention of retaining any of the information. It's not that I don't like weed- fuck I love that shit on a good party, but Tyler is supposed to be mine tonight and now he is all sorts of fucked up.

I don't even know how to get home. I'm going to have to call Winston or Nick. Nick hates it when Tyler tests out a new product. I've heard it a few times. More specifically Nick hates the two men that try to showboat to Tyler. They always have a new strand to try. And every time if fucks Tyler up bad and makes him a grouchy little bitch.

Nicks words, not mine.

I have yet to witness it. Well, that's a lie. I'm witnessing it right now. Tyler is now playing quarters with the two men while passing around the blunt. The smoke is settling in, in this tiny basement. I pulled out my phone and texted Nick:

Nick. SOS. Tyler is testing new weed with the two guys you hate.

He what.

I started to type again but stopped when another message from Nick popped up.

I'm coming. Hang in there. Try and get him to stop smoking.

I sighed in relief and put my phone back in my pocket. I made my way over to the table they were playing at and sat on Tyler's lap. His hand found my lower back. He squeezed a bit to tight.

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