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Name: Nicole Anne Napier

Nicknames: Nikki (by everyone) Nik or N. (By Faith) babe, kitten, kitty, princess, doll, doll face, baby, and baby girl (by Joker)

B-day:12-15-90 (a/n real b-day)


Family:Joyce (Mom dead) Dawn (sister )(a/n by the way I do have a real sister named Dawn) Buffy (twin sister) Giles (father figure)Joker (aka Jack Napier husband) Callisto (daughter)

Spouse: Joker

Best friends:Willow, Anya,Faith,Cordelia, Harley, Poison Ivy, Catwoman, Xander, Oz, spike, Angel, Giles and the Riddler

job occupation: me, Buffy and Faith are slayers

Watcher: Giles

Buffy & Nikki the vampire slayers Chaos bleeds ( Joker love story book 3 )Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ