chapter three: callisto's first Halloween

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( Nikki p.o.v. )

It was four days until Halloween we almost have all of our Halloween decoration up we just got done with buying the candy for all our little trick or treat treater I can't wait for not only Halloween but this Saturday we're having a Halloween Party Just last week on the 20th  we had Catwoman to babysit Callisto for us so me, Jay, Harley & Faith went out to see the new movie Halloween  & man was it pretty cool. But I just wish they ether talk about or stick with one kid  Lorie has first there was Jamie then there was John and now there is this Kathrine or whatever her name was pulse they never tell you on what happened to Jamie's son I mean we all know that in the 6th one The Curse of Michael Myers she was force to have a baby so it could be a sacrifice to Michael but she escapes  but end up dying anyways but not before she hides her baby then later Tommy finds him and escapes.  Michael with the baby but what happens to them after words or what happens to John after he and his girlfriend escapes Micheal if they were to have any of Lorie's kids to grow up and have a family of their own it should have been John and his girlfriend that way they  would have already know what to do or if they wasn't going to use any of the organelle kids at lest talk about them or something anyways I can't wait for Halloween I'm dressing up as A Greek goddess. The party was pretty good it was more of a gathering then a party Callisto had fun witch was the most importation thing and she was so cute in her purple my first Halloween costume  we also watched a movie called The Crow then on Halloween me, Faith, & Harley took Callisto for her first trick or treating. And we got lots of candy not just for her but for our self's as well we had lots of fun but like everything else it to had to come to end so we head home told Jay about the great time we had while showing him all the candy we had he was glad that we had a good time while he had his men go threw the all the candy we got to make sure that it's save to eat. while they were doing that the two girls went home after we all said our see ya later's then the three of us went up stairs to get ready for bed then go to bed because let face it we are tired after a long night.


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