chapter sixteen: the phone call from twin sis

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( Nikki p.o.v. )

we had just got back home from our date we then head up stairs to check on Callisto after we do that we head over to our bedroom once we were back into our room we went straight to bed we both got under the covers gave each other a kiss goodnight then went to sleep. A few minutes later I was a waked by my phone going off I picked it up got out of bed and went into the hallway were I answered the phone. Hello? I asked. Hey Nikki it's Buffy. Buffy said. Buffy is something wrong? I asked. It's Giles he's in the hospital he's been attacked by a pare of gargoyles and now Ethan is back and he said that he won't say anything until you and Faith are here so can you both come here please? She asked. I'll see what I can do you know that I'll have talk to Jay first. I said Yeah of course just call me as soon as possible. She said. I will love you and tell the other that I said hey and that I miss them. I said. I will love ya too and tell Jay I said hi. She said I will. I said then she hanged up so I did the same as I lend on the wall. Well that that was pleasant. I said. What was pleasant? I heard Jay's voice from the side of me. Oh hey babe sorry if I woke you. I said It's fine now what was pleasant? He asked. Oh Buffy called and she says hi by the way and then she said that Giles is in the hospital cause he got attacked by gargoyles. And this basted by the name of Ethan Ryan is back but according to Buffy he won't say anything to her. Until both Faith and I is present so I told her that I would have to talk to you about it first before anything else could happen and that I'll call her back after I had talked to you. I explained to him.

(Joker p.o.v.)

After she had explained everything to me the only thing that was on my mind was that I finally get to see were my kitten had some what grow up in maybe even make my own mark in that so called town. Well I guess we'll be going to Sunnydale so we better start getting ready and what I mean by that I'll get us packed while you tell Harley that she needs to not only be in charge but also babysit Callisto and that Johnny boy will be here to help then you can go and get Faith. I said. Actually the first thing we should do is shower and get dressed then we will go and do the other stuff. She said that's when I noticed that we are still in our pj's. Right first morning routine then get packed and other stuff. I said only to see that she's no longer there then I hear the shower turn on I smirked as went to join her in the shower after our shower and we had dressed she went to Harley's room to talk to her about babysitting Callisto for us while I pack our bags this should be fun.

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