Chapter seventeen: going back to sunnydale

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(Nikki p.o.v.)

I went to Harley's room knock on her door then I entered her room after I heard her say to come in. Hey Nikki what up. The sky. I said she started to laugh. Anyway Me and jay need you to babysit Callisto for us while me, Jay and Faith go to Sunnydale to not only to see Giles while he's in the hospital. But to see what that basted Ethan wants he said that he won't tell Buffy and the others anything. Until me and Faith are there and the only way for me to go is if Jay goes too so will you babysit for us please. Oh and jay said that while we're gone you're in charge and that Johnny will help you.I explained to her. Sure I'll babysit her for you I love her to death and besides she my niece after all. Just you, Mr.J and Faith be careful alright and tell Buffy and the others that I said hey will ya? She asked. Sure thing and We will be careful bye love ya. I said I as I hug her. Love ya too. She said as she hugged me back great now all that's left to do is to call Faith so that's what I did. Hey Fai it's Nikki listen Buffy called and said that Ethan is back and won't tell her or anybody anything until me and you are there so what do you say we go back to Sunnydale listen to what the asshole has to say then we beat him up then after words enjoy are visit. So what do you say? I asked. What do I say ? I say let's kick some ass! Faith said. Great so we'll meet ya at your place after we're all done here oh before I forget we are meeting them at the hospital because Giles is there after he was attacked by a pare of gargoyles late last night. I said. Wow that's sucks so anyway yeah I'll see ya later bye. She said. Yeah bye. I said then we both hanged up. I was heading towards mine and jay's room when I see not only him but Johnny and one of his goons out in the hallway Johnny with my suitcases and the goon with Jay's suitcases they both go downstairs and out to the garage and to the car that we will be taking. Hey. I said hey kitten well everything is packed and ready to go. He said then he pecked me on the lips. Cool and everything on my end is all set all we have to do now is to go and pick up Faith. I said good then let's go. He said then we went downstairs and towards the car once we were in the car and halfway down the road. You know the one thing I hate is that my life happens to on occasion suck beyond the telling of it sometimes more then I can handle. I said all Jay did was laugh his insane laugh. Ha HA HA HA!!!! Jay laughed we had just arrived at Faith's house to see that she's already outside with her bags jay gets out to help her get her stuff in the trunk of the car. After that they both get in the car and we're off towards Sunnydale the ride there is pretty quiet so I decided to break it by playing some music.

Have way through the song I decided to go to the back and sat next to Faith where we started talking about our past together even the ones with out her in them even jay was listening to the stories we shared.

Like the time Xander was dating a giant praying mantis or the time me and Xander were possessed by hyenas and we ate the school's pet pig but later after it was all over we found out that the rest of the pack ate the Principal  in witch caused us to have a new principal Jay was laughing at that one.

Then there was the time of the talent show with the living puppet, a brain and heart eating demons so they can continue living in their human form.

Then there was the time when Buffy was possessed by a male ghost and Angel was possessed by the female ghost knowing that Angel being a vampire he couldn't die so let's just say it was a happy ending.

Then there was the time were we had to help Faith stop Kakistos and over come her fear of facing him and to stop running from her problems.

After the fun time of remaining all of our adventures we had together or even not together we had  finally made it to Sunnydale California Where the rest of my teenage years were spent and were both me and Buffy had made many great friends. That help us out on saving the world from forces of evil you know besides the fact that the town was built on a hell mouth it is a descendant little town to live in can't say that nothing interesting ever happens or that it's boring cause trust me it's anything but boring.

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